Ch 2. First day of a new life

886 19 16

Dante P.O.V

May 20th, 2019

Devil May Cry (Shop)

8:23 AM

I am walking towards kitchen for breakfast. While walking I already ear the voices of Lady and Trish.

"Good morning ladies!" I say to them cheerfully, walking in the kitchen.

"Moring" They say in chorus.

"So, I have some good new ladies!" I happily announced to them while I grab some coffee.

"And that is?" Lady asks.

"We got a new member" They look at me confused. "Well, kinda, he is really more like a butler then somebody who comes with us to fight."

Trish and Lady look at me worried while I was sitting down at the table.

Trish sighed "Dante, what did you do this time?"

"Why do you think I did something negative? All I did is give the new kid a new home and a job!"

"New kid? You mean that kid we rescued from that cult?" Lady asks.

"Yep," I started explaining "before he was kidnapped, he lived in an orphanage but is birthday was 2 days ago or something so now he is 18, meaning the orphanage are allowed to kick him out."

Trish gave me a glare. "So, you make that kid a butler."

"I mean yeah, is not like he can live here for free you know?"

They wanted to comment but were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps. I look around and it is Y/N wearing the same t-shirt and sweatpants he wore yesterday. He looks like he just woke up.

"Good morning!" I Said to him standing up. "Let me introduce you to these girls. This is Trish." I pointed at her.

"Y/N" Y/N says in a tired voice while shaking her hand.


"And this beauty is Lady." I pointed at her.



I give Y/N a cup of coffee. After that he and I sit down at the table.

"And starting today he will be my personal butler." I say in a cheery voice. Y/N gives me a look.

"Don't worry kiddo. Because this is your first day, I will make it easy for you, okay? Not only that, but I will also give you a tour of the place."

"Dante! You know we planned to go to that 2nd hideout of that cult, right?" Trish says in a stern voice.

"Really?! Well, that sucks because I planned to give Y/N a tour at the place."

Lady and Trish glare at me. Jesus why are they so good at glaring?

"Why do you look so mad? I'm sure that you beat their asses with just the two of you."

They groaned. "Fine." Lady says.

So, after eating breakfast Trish and Lady go out to one of the cult hangouts to try to defeat them.

I gave some new clothes to change to. He was currently wearing a black vest with some blue jeans and some old white sneakers I got from Ebay for 7 dollars.

After that I give him a tour around the place. Where everybody rooms are, living room etc. The tour ended around 1 PM. Mostly because I was chatting with him about random stuff, like pizza. While chatting I notice something about him. He doesn't talk very much. For somebody who was very snarky earlier this morning, he is pretty shy, or quiet, or introverted, or something.

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