Ch 9. Lethal Sorcerer

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May 29th, 2019

Underway to the Cult of Fomortiis hideout

6:58 PM

Me, Nero and Nico are currently driving in a thick forest towards the cult of Fomortiis hideout. Nico and Nero are sitting in the front of the van while I'm sitting in the back. I'm now checking out the jukebox that is in the van.

"Y/N, can you stop switching the songs?!" Nico say to me sternly.


The song that is now playing is called Devil Trigger.

"Look at the good news. At least I got us a good song to listing to." I say with a smile to them and decide to sit down.

"Were all the songs you been skipping the last 10 minutes that bad?" Nero says with a smile.

"I... refuse to give an answer." In truth I didn't why I have been skipping songs the last 10 minutes.

They laugh at my statement.

"So, what is the plan when we arrive?" I ask.

"Just stick together and defeat the enemies we are going to face." Nero says with confidence. "Nico, you just wait outside in the van."

"'kay" She answer.

Nero look at Nico and begin to ask something.

"How long till we arrive?"

"Anytime now."

Nero nods and look at me.

"You ready?"

I nod. He smiles at me and begins to look forward out of the front window. He begins to change his look as he lays eyes on something.

"Is that it?" Nero asks.

I begin to stand up and put my hand on Nero seat for balance. I look outside of the window and see a building that looks like a church, however because it is dark outside, I could only see a silhouette.

"Thinks so." I answer.

Nico drive a little till we can see the building clearer. She then pulls over at the side of the road.

"Well have fun out there!" She says with excitement.

Nero and I both said our bye's to Nico and step out of the car go towards the building. I begin to breath heavy for what is to come. Nero notice this.

"Hey don't worry." He begins to hold my hand. "You are safe with me." He smiles at me reassuringly.

I begin to blush and smile back at me. He then let go of my hand as we both walk towards the building. I'm still smiling from what Nero did. He always reassures me when I worry about something. He always makes me smile when we spent time together. He is a good friend. If only we could be more then friends.

"Y/N!" Nero say whisper to me loud.

"Eh, what?" I startle.

"I said that you need to stay behind me. We go through the front door. I won't expect that their enemies there. Because Dante, Lady and Trish already arrive at the place." He points towards their car that is park just a few meters of here. "They should have already taken down some the enemies here."

I hum in response.

"Great, stay behind me."

We both sneaks are way towards the entrance of the place. Nero point out his gun as I stay behind him. He begins to look at me. I nod and he opens the door. He points his gun forward and look inside of the church. I see that the place is empty. The only things in the building were some benches and some candles.

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