Ch 1. Rise and shine, sunshine!

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May 20th, 2019

Devil May Cry (Shop)

3:06 AM

I wake up in a room that is not my own. I don't know where I am. I sit up in the bed I was laying in and take a look around. In the room was just regular bedroom things, such as a desk, a closet, chair etc. I try to remember why I am here.


May 13th, 2019

After a hard and annoying day of school, I'm walking back home in the streets alone. Luckily my home is nearby of the school I was going. Too bad that my home an orphanage where I life almost my entire life and know that I am almost 18 years old I'm getting kick out of the orphanage just because I was never adopted into a family. Not only that but the place sucks. The other kids are annoying, and the caregivers are always so cold.

But enough about my crappy living situation. My home is just a few blocks from here. I am about to turn a block when suddenly somebody is holding my mouth with a cloth. I tried to scream for help but all I can do is closing my eyes.

*End of Flashback*

"Was I kidnapped?" I whisper to myself, thinking out loud.

If so I to get out of here! I step out of the bed I woke up in and before I open the door, I see myself in a mirror. I was just wearing a black T-shirt with some black sweatpants. I open the door and see a hallway. In the hallway were many doors leading them to a different room. I step outside of the room I am in. The wooden floor cracks beneath me.

"Crap" I said quietly.

I tipp toe my way through the hallway and find the stairs that leads downwards into a place that looks like an office. I tried to take a step downwards when suddenly.

"Hey kiddo, it looks like you're awake!" somebody said in a grown man's voice.

I startle and immediately look behind me where the voice was coming from. It came from a man that looks around mid-40s with long, grey air that reaches his shoulders. He was only wearing some briefs and looks like he just woke up.

"Is everything alright? It looks like you just seen a ghost." He says in a jokingly manner.

"Who are you and where the fuck am I!?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Really, you just really treating me bad after we safe you?" He spoke.

"Safe me? Last time I checked; I just wake up in a random place after that somebody make me unconscious!" I said to him loud.

The man chuckled. "Oh, you don't remember where you were taking? My bad."

He reaches out his hand and says to me "My name is Dante and you're at my humble shop called Devil May Cry." 

"Y/N L/N." I said to him.

He walks downstairs and make a hand sign saying that I should follow him. He takes me by his desk. He sits down behind it and point his finger at another chair, telling me to sit down.

"We got a new assignment a few days ago that a cult was doing something shady, after me and my team check out one of their meeting places, they start attacking us." He explained.

"After we defeated them, we search around the place and found you unconscious in a bed. We decided to take you back to our place."

"And by 'we' you mean?"

"My coworkers, Lady and Trish" Dante answered.

"So, after that I told you my story, now I want to know why you were there?" He asks.

"I don't know, the last thing I remember was that I was walking back to home when suddenly I was put asleep by someone." I answered.

"Really, well that's sucks" He says, making me chuckle.

"We barely know anything about this cult so we kind of hope you have the answers." He stood up and walk over to me.

"So where do you live. I drive you back home so don't worry."

I wanted to answer when I notice a calendar where it stated that it was May 20th. My birthday was May 18th, a few days ago. Shit. "Actually, I don't have a home anymore." Dante looks at me confused. "I used to live in an orphanage, but I just notice that my 18th birthday was two days ago" I pointed to the calendar.

"So now that I am 18, the orphanage are allowed to kick me out, making me homeless" I said in a sad voice, looking down.

Dante looked at me a moment before speaking.

 "You know what, you can life here if you want." I look up meeting his eyes.

"If you work here that is." He says happily.


"Yeah, you can be my secretary, or personal butler or something like that and for trade you can life with the amazing Dante and his friends." He says excitedly.

"So, what do you say?" He asks.

"Deal" I said happily.

"Good, it is nice to have a new friend. I introduce you later to Lady, Trish and Nero." He speaks.

"And Nero is?" I ask.

"He is a boy around your age that mostly works alone when it comes to mission." He answered. I nod.

"Well, got some rests and I meet you a couple of hours." Dante says. I nod and before I begin walking back to the room I woke up in, I say.

"Thank you for saving me, and letting me stay" I tell him with a smile.

 "You're welcome kiddo!"

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