Start from the beginning

"A heart? We just met, Seyeon..." Yeona said, looking at him with a playful smile on her face.

"Yeah, I know. But we're going to become best friends. The heart stays so don't change it." Seyeon stated, giving her a large toothy grin that she couldn't help but let her own smile widen at his pure innocence.

"Alright. If we do become best friends like you said, I owe you a whole case of ramen. We'll binge watch any K-drama that you want and eat as much ramen as we can. Deal?" Yeona held her pinky out to Seyeon, eyebrows raised expectantly.

Seyeon laughed, wrapping his pinky around hers, "I think I'll be seeing a case of ramen in my future. Deal."

Seyeon had been right. They became best friends within the first week of meeting each other and after a couple of months, they had met Lee Suho. He was a little stiff at first but once she cracked him open, he was just as nice as Seyeon and even had a sense of humor sometimes. Then both boys had joined Move Entertainment to become a K-pop trainees where they met someone by the name of Han Seojun. Yeona had never met him but both boys grew super close to him. Seyeon always talked about how nice and kind Seojun was and how Seojun and Suho both would protect him against a group of bullies that had grown to pick on him.

Then a couple of months later Seyeon passed away and Yeona left Seoul, leaving Suho behind. She had felt awful about it, guilt eating at her every time she would see Suho's contact information on her phone, but she couldn't bring herself to call or let alone answer his text messages.

Yeona let out a breath and sniffled, wiping the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand, "I'm sorry." She whispered, looking up at the sky.

Just as she was about to wipe the newly formed tears away from her cheeks, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and yank her backwards, away from the ledge, causing her and the perpetrator to hit the ground.

"Ouch, what the hell!" She exclaimed after a mini coughing fit from getting the wind knocked out of her. She felt the impact from the hard ground finally make itself known on her behind, "Aish, my butt... that's surely going to bruise..." She whined quietly to herself.

She heard the other person mutter about doing this for a second time before he started yelling at her, "What were you thinking? Were you going to jump? Why be so selfish?" The guy stood up, not even bothering to offer her a hand.

Yeona pushed herself off of the ground and brushed her pants off, "I wasn't about to off myself!" She exclaimed, "Yah! I think you made me twist my ankle-" Yeona had finally looked up and paused mid sentence, freezing in her spot. Staring right back at her with a steely gaze was none other than Lee Suho.

His gaze faltered as recognition flittered through his eyes, "Yeona? Kim Yeona?" Suho hesitated, relief washing over his features as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her smaller frame. Yeona didn't move at first. She wasn't expecting to see Suho until her first day back at school yet here he was, hugging her. She had ultimately decided that he most likely hated her and wouldn't want to talk to her ever again.

But he was hugging her.

Just as Suho was about to pull away from the lack of response, Yeona wrapped her arms around his waist, causing Suho to tighten his arms back around her. They stayed like that for a few moments, both of them feeling comforted by the other.

Finally Suho pulled away, "You have some explaining to do...."

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hi! so a couple of things!

her heart condition will not be life threatening! it'll mainly be an inconvenience to her and will cause her discomfort. i just wanted to be a cliché and add a problem for her to have to take care of. >:-) 

i know the shitty dad trope... oops my fingers slipped. he might have character development... so...

i already have a few chapters written! i plan on making them each at least around 2,800-3,500 words each! (i have 20,000 words written on a google doc rn...)

i will try and post at least twice a week. i don't have a schedule for posting and i might end up posting more than twice LMAO but i will hold myself back because i don't want to post all of the stuff that i've pre-written all at once. but don't hold me to that... bc i'm bad at listening to myself.

also i am aware that i am not the best writer and that i have tons of room to grow. hopefully you'll be able to notice some growth as we continue on with the story! feel free to leave criticism but please be kind! (pls don't just blatantly insult the work or i'll cry <3).

with all that being said, i genuinely hope you enjoy this story! it's been in the works for about a month... that's how prepared i am to take this on. >:-)

thank you all for reading and please feel free to comment if you have an questions or are confused about anything during the story! 

ily all. - haley <3

。*゚+.*.。 —— ゚+..。*゚+

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