Chapter Twelve: George

Start from the beginning

"Where am I?" George groaned, rubbing his eyes.

He slowly became aware of his surroundings, looking around and observing where he was standing. He was in the middle of an endless room with all white walls, white floors, and white ceilings. The ground was covered in a thin layer of water and the lighting was bright and fluorescent.

"Hello?" George's voice echoed when he spoke.

He took a few steps forward and the water beneath his feet sloshed with every step.

"George!" A cheerful voice came from the abyss. It was familiar and comforting.

"Who- who are you?" George took another step forward, the room seemed to go on forever.

"You don't recognize my voice? I guess we aren't as connected as you thought." The voice chuckled.

George gulped and stayed silent.

"Don't worry." The voice started, "I'm just kidding."

"I can't see you, where are you?" George inquired, jogging forward a few more steps.

"I'm everywhere." The voice echoed and laughed slightly.

"What is this place?" George ignored the voices mind games.

"This is your head, George. You're dreaming."

"Dreaming?" That's when George recognized the voice.

It was Dream.

"Dream, is that you?" George's voice rose.

"You finally figured it out." Dream laughed, teasing George.

George took a breath, being in Dreams presence calmed his racing heart.

"Where have you been? I hope I didn't scare you off." George had so much to say to Dream so he had to refrain from rambling about his feelings.

"A silly love song would never scare me off." Dream's voice was sincere.

"It's not silly," George snapped. "It's serious, Dream. That's really how I feel about you."

Silence filled the air.

"Oh," Dream said after a while. "I guess I just never would have guessed that's how you felt."

"You mean you don't feel it too?" George played with the sleeve of his shirt, anxiously waiting Dreams response.

"Of course I do, George. I feel love for you stronger than the earths pull to the sun."

George choked on his breath and his eyes widened.

Suddenly music began to pour into George's ears and he placed his hands on the side of his head to stifle the noise.

"Oh, it looks like it's time for you to wake up." Dream said softly.

George opened his eyes to find himself in a cold sweat laying on the couch with music blasting in his ears. He winced and pulled his knees to his chest, desperately trying to fall back asleep so he could tell Dream everything. He curled into a ball and plugged his ears to drown out the music but it was no use. George was wide awake now and he had missed his chance to open up to Dream even if it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

He slammed his fist against the leather couch in frustration. The sacred moment had slipped through his grasp. He cursed at himself for passing up the opportunity to calm his racing mind and finally share his feelings.

George hung his head in defeat and that's when he remembered where the music was coming from. Dream was finally responding to him. He sprung off the couch and paced around his quaint living room, listening closely to the song.

I gotta take a little time, a little time to think things over. I better read between the lines in case I need it when I'm older.

George's heart sunk. Was Dream telling him that he wasn't ready?

He positioned himself back on the couch and continued listening to the lyrics, still holding on to hope.

I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me. I wanna feel what love is, I know you can show me.

A smile crept on to Georges face, he recognized the song now. It was I want to know what love is by Foreigner and he understood what Dream was trying to say when he played it for him. Dream wanted to love George too, he just didn't know how.

George danced around his living room, jumping and singing along to the lyrics. He imagined that Dream was there with him, holding his waist and spinning him through the air as the boys embraced their connection. He could envision Dreams body against his and how it would feel to run his hands along Dreams arms as they danced together.

George craved for this to be more than just a figment of his imagination and now that he knew how Dream felt it seemed like it was no longer too good to be true.

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