Chapter One: Dream

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Authors note: Hey guys, this is my first time writing fanfiction so please feel free to give me feedback and share your thoughts! I hope you enjoy and don't forget to share it with your friends!

The weather in Florida was usually the type of heat that made Dreams clothes cling to his skin and this night was no exception. The air was thick and salty and sweat pooled at Dreams brow before dripping down his nose.

He wiped the condensation from his face with one hand and fidgeted with his car key in the other as he clicked the button to unlock his clunky, old Toyota.

The headlights of his car lit up and cast a yellow light onto his driveway, illuminating the ground and revealing tiny weeds growing out of every other crack in the concrete.

Dream jogged the short distance to his car and swung open the door to the driver's seat before sliding himself into the vehicle.

The small car provided barely enough room for Dream's 6'3 body but he still considered it his happy place.

This was all part of his nightly routine. Every evening around 9:00 Dream hopped down his front steps and piled himself into the car.

The air conditioning in the cramped vehicle was much more satisfying than the one in his house so he would relax in the drivers seat to cool off for a few minutes before putting the car in reverse and backing out of his driveway.

The next few hours were spent speeding down the interstate with music playing and wind blowing through Dreams hair. He had been doing this ever since he was a teenager and his parents always called him reckless for his driving habits but Dream called it freedom.

On this particular night as Dream flew down the street he drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, keeping time with the song that blared through the radio.

It was this moment that he looked forward to the entire day. Screaming the lyrics to his favorite song until his throat was raw and scratchy.

He sang his heart out, mixing in some vibrato every few lines and letting the words escape his lips and dance in the air.

Dream was never very fond of singing in front of people but those who did hear his singing voice had always encouraged him to share it with the world. Of course Dream brushed these ideas to the side and only sang when he was by himself on the road but deep down he was proud of his hidden talent.

The night grew darker as what was left of the sun disappeared behind the horizon, leaving Dream speeding through the darkness with adrenaline pumping through his veins.

With one hand on the steering wheel and the other dangling out the window, Dream imagined that he was flying. Spinning through the air, every note he sang propelling himself higher into the clouds.

He drowned out the sound of his tires against the road until he became one with the music. Spreading his wings and darting through the air with the sharp wind blowing against his face.

He gasped for air between each song as if he had been holding his breath for a lifetime when in reality he had been so busy screaming song lyrics he had forgot to take a breath.

Eventually, Dream reached the exit where he would get off the interstate and head back to his house. He slammed on the breaks and carefully merged onto the main road that would lead him home.

With a sigh, Dream turned down the radio and spent the rest of the drive calming down from the adrenaline rush.

He pulled into his driveway, still breathing heavily with a big smile plastered on his face. Although his favorite part of the night was over, Dream could still feel the music coursing through his veins.

As soon as Dream opened the door to step out of his car the hot, sticky air formed a wall in front of him.

The march to his front door was like walking through mud and he fumbled with his keys before selecting the one to get into his house.

Dream swung open the door and was abruptly greeted with a cat circling his feet.

"Aww," he hummed, "you must be hungry."

Dream picked up the cat and carried her to the kitchen while he scratched behind her ears. Patches cocked her head to the side and closed her eyes, signalling to Dream that she liked what he was doing.

Dream pat her head a few times before setting her in front of two red bowls that were placed on the floor against the wall. One labeled 'water' in messy, Sharpie handwriting and the other labeled 'food'.

Dream opened the cupboard and grabbed a box of cat food, shaking it a few times.

"This is what you want isn't it?" Dream asked Patches, as if she would speak back to him.

Patched meowed in confirmation and bat her paw at the air.

Dream chuckled and kneeled down next to the cat, opening the box of food. Soon the silence was broken as the sound of cat food being poured into a bowl filled the room.

Dream couldn't stand the silence so once Patches began digging into her food and the kitchen was quiet again Dream wanted nothing more than to be back on the road, music blaring, and soaring through the air.

He could never seem to get enough music in his life and was often embarrassed at how much he loved listening to his favorite songs.

His friends were more into sports and "manly things" but Dream would much rather spend his time listening to music than watching basketball.

"Alexa," Dream started, now standing upright and facing the little black machine on his counter. "Play Roadtrip."

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