G/T: Everybody Loves Me: Chapter 8.5, Intermission

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A/N: Hey hey hey! As a token of my remorse for stalling on this story, I've written a minichapter, just to lighten the mood after Adam dropped the bomb. 😬 Just a little silly banter between the three-man brigade to hopefully make you smirk.

"This is beginning to feel like Lord of The Rings, hey?" I chuckle, shooting my shot to numb the grave seriousness of the circumstances. The sun's set and risen, and as you would think, Adam arrived no later than 6:30 AM, to which we all begrudgingly submitted. Pete deduced that he should stay in the tent, because someone needed to keep the panicked Andrea some company (Officer Unnecessary strikes again).

Adam might feel tense, I think. Or not. I'm not sure how Adam ever feels, to be honest with you; Adam doesn't emote much, and it's kind of his 'thing'.

Tiff's steps are booming behind us, not directly, because the last thing we would want is to impose more danger. Normally, she is the careful-type of Bel, just about tiptoeing around we diminutive little humans, but I'd forgive her for any added tension throughout this marathon of seeking her missing brother.

"The ring contains great, corrupting power," Adam states with concentration that would seem humorless to outsiders who don't know him like I do. "If Benny found The One Ring, well, we'd probably have a different problem on our hands."

"Ha!" Tiff surprises us both, breaking out of her 'funk', and not the least, because she joined in on our little geek convention. She crouched down and did a sort of waddle to keep up the pace; "Benny doesn't need a bigger ego, so if the guy gets corrupted, you can keep him in the mountains."

"Tiff, I wouldn't peg you as an L.O.T.R. kinda gal!" I smirked, and she balled up her hand into a fist that I gladly bumped in the knuckle.

"I didn't peg you as that kinda gal," she smiled, "or the kinda gal that lives in a rented two-person rundown apartment with a stranger and hates being recognized!"

I shrug, "What's a human if not down-to-earth?" I even catch Adam smirk after that one.

Tiffany belts out a, "sMeAgOl LoVeS tHe PrEcIoUs," and I watch, astounded, dumbfounded, and utterly bamboozled as Adam laughs!

"Do you know how hard it is to get Adam to laugh, Tiffany!"

"'Ay, I have feelings too," he pushes a loose strand of hair back with a bashful little smile.

"Well I think Adam can be quite charming sometimes," Tiff sticks out her tongue. "He's just—an introverted personality?" Tiff reassures, almost sounding as if unsure, like it's a question. I wink at her playfully.

"Adam's a good guy, deep, deep, deeeep down," I skutch.

He crosses his arms tersely. "Isn't it a bit odd to banter about someone while he's six feet away from you, Diamond?" He tilts his head. Tiffany passes a discreet giggle through her lips from above.

"Hey, no backsass directed at the captain, please! I call mutiny," I shift my gaze urgently between them.

"Di is the captain now," Tiff smirks, booping me forward from my backside with her fingertip. "Lead the way, cap'n! I can't wait until you walk into the creepy cave first!" She winks.

I moonwalk backward, talking into my hand, now a walkie-talkie, "Captain Diamond is hereby stepping down. No worthy candidates have applied to fill the position, so she will be posting a listing on Indeed," I smile, "'ya big and little clowns!" 

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