Chapter 8

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Everyone is getting antsy as we pull up at the base of what appears to be Gardeningfreak91's promised caverns, which still begs the question: Who is Gardeningfreak91? This puzzles me, because there are two things I definitely don't see here: the top of this mountain, and gardens.

That doesn't mean that the terrain is anything less than a great beauty of untapped nature, however. Gigantic pink gemstones cobble the rugged grey landscape and give everything a rosy hue. As Tiffany parks the car, she gracefully beckons me into her awaiting palm, and I know she's in awe of this view, too. Eager to work out the kinks in my legs after sitting for so long, I climb on.

Tiff rolls down her window as I stand tall on her shoulder again, leaning my hand against her cheekbone for support. It doesn't matter that the rain is pouring on us; if I close my eyes, I can think of it as a shower. A cold, horrible shower, I amuse myself. We just sit there for a moment, taking it all in. Just for a moment, you could almost pretend everything is okay. Call me psychic, but I can feel Andrea smiling at us from behind me.

"You two have really gotten close, haven't you?" She begins, taking a break from rustling around the contents of her son's backpack, "Didn't you meet each other for the first time today?"

Tiff and I are about to have a moment, when Pete coos, "D'aaawwww," and kills it. Tiff laughs anyway, "As of yesterday, if you told me anything that'd happen today, I'm not sure I would believe you," she considers. "But there's one thing I'd never change;" she smiles, lifting her pinky to her cheek and using it to embrace my waist, "Meeting Diamond."

And with that cute thought, we hear a little knock on the car door.

It's a good thing I'm here, because without me, I'm not so sure the Bels would've heard or spotted Adam literally climbing up the door. He's determined, I'll give him that; I'm overcome with this—well, pride?—for Adam, feeling like he's inexplicably connected to me thanks to our several years of intertwined careers. I can't help but wonder, for a moment, why it is I left. I feel a little guilt as I consider that cutting him out after I retired might not have been necessary... but being reserved as he is emotionally, we weren't always on the same page; there's a good reason he was in charge of the business, and I just did my job, carrying out the auditions, practicing sessions, and performances he landed me.

I stop and smile for a second, a twinkle in my eye as I reflect on all the times Adam has come through for me both after and before I was—eugh—famous, and whether I like it or not, my pursuit of my ol' acting life probably was formative of my personality. Rejection, screwing up, and on the flipside, keeping it humble when I did land the 'big roles'—but remembering my roots, when I got started settling for some measly local commercials, learning to be gracious anyhow (and that, I admit, was a big learning curve)—all have contributed to this silly little human woman I am today, and hey, that's pretty okay. Thanks, Adam; like I said, you're a real one.

"Good to see you, everyone; it looks like we may have to kickstart this investigation tomorrow, however—the rain isn't letting up anytime soon, it seems, and it's getting dusky outside. Not-so-great visibility out there. I did what I can these past thirty'—all it may do is discourage you, I'm afraid. We'll rise early tomorrow and get busy, if it's alright with you." Classic Adam, getting down to business before we can even say hello. He extends his hand to Tiffany in an Adam-style greeting, unfazed by the borderline violent downpour—I almost think it's going to seep into his raincoat—probably unaware of how comical he looks. Tiff looks charmed if not a little stifled as she holds in a giggle, ever so gently shaking his little hand between two fingertips.

"Sounds like a plan, dear," Andrea takes the lead, her matriarchal personality unsurprisingly speaking on behalf of us all. "And I've got to thank you for being an angel for my Benny. Consider yourself part of family forever," Andrea the mama bear says sweetly, sounding just a little like she's choking back tears.

From my close vantage-point, I see Adam's face pinkening. "It's really no problem, Ms. Brown. What kind of friend," he pauses—and for a split second, I almost sense...pain? In his eyes—"would I be to Diamond, if I didn't pitch in?"

"Much more than pitching in, honey," Andrea sighs in content. "I've got to repay you somehow when this nightmare is..." And I can hear Andrea moan lowly in distraught tears this time, knowing she's once again fearing the worst. Agile, but with his brand of just a little social naiveté, he races over to Andrea in the backseat, thoughts not on his grappling hook leaving superficial holes in Tiff's car interior. Tiff, thankfully, seems too preoccupied with bigger priorities to mind.

Adam holds Andrea's hand with a sympathetic reassurance in his eyes. "I will give it my all, Ms. Brown, don't you go crying on me," he offers warmly, rubbing her knuckles with his palms so as to soothe her worries.

Yessir-ee, I nod to myself. Adam is a bona-fide real one.

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