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"Eat shat you big nosed fecker!" I looked at the small hapless child in front of me and raised an eyebrow at his determined expression. He was dressed head to toe in rags, shaking his fist at an older boy who had his back turned, and sighed when the boy didn't come back. There were scruffy brown marks all over his face, but his soft green eyes were endearing, and the little dimples in his cheeks left on his cherubic face a mark of innocence in the wake of a cheeky little smile. 

I pursed my lips into a little scowl and tried to keep my upper lip from curling in amusement at his insult. Fecker.. hm.. never heard that before. 

He nodded at my shoes and looked up at me with an expectant look on his face, and I realized he wanted to shine them. I obliged when I thought about how I would feel if it had been me sitting there as a little boy. He grinned and plopped down in front of me. 

"What's yer name Mister?" Keeping tabs on me I see. 

I scowled at him, "Eyes on the boot child." Two can play at that game.

He grinned and shrugged off my answer, taking out his brush and polish. 

"How much?"

Five coppers sir!" 

I brought my hand up to my chin to hide my smile again, "Isn't that a bit much? I mean, surely I could get a better shine for less than that." 

"Oh no sir, there's no one better than me! I'm Sevyn, but folks around here call me Shewsie, on the account of that I polish shoes n all I guess." 

"Your rather well spoken, and you can read too I suspect?" 

He shot me a look, and an indignant twinkle in his eyes winked at me. "Of course, me mam taught me how!"

I chuckled at him and sat up, looking down at my newly polished shoes. "Why I can see my reflection in these! I think you deserve more than five coppers!" I winked at him and watched his face awash with glee at the prospect of money. He reminded me of of someone... someone who I was going to find, be it by hell or highwater. 


Super super short, I know. But I'm bogged for time right now, and I haven't been sleeping much... But how do you like this chapter? A new POV! Its not someone I'm introducing for a while yet, but I'm excited for you to know about him! 

What was the last book you read? 

Where do you see yourself in five years (I'm not asking for an essay due by next year LMAO) 

I love you my darlings, Skylar~ 

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