Chapter 9

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Heer's POV-

"Shit! Not that soon!" Sai cussed under her breath. She was clearly annoyed when Shub got bowled early on.

"It's ok, India will win anyways. Its not a big chase." I tried to console her.

"But still-" she sighed.

"Don't stress when Virat is walking in the ground. He always makes it to the end." I said.

She narrowed down her eyes at me, "I told you exactly that last time."
"Yah whatever, we can still motivate each other with same words right?" I replied.

She focused on the screen again. I pulled out my phone by degrees as she always scold me for doing so in the middle of match.

No reply. I'm seriously annoyed at him. I stood up when she asked, "Where do you think you are going?"

"I'm going to the bathroom. Can I miss?"

I walked out to the balcony. Swiftly I called him, again no answer. If he can ignore me, then I can be even more shameless.

Took out the keys, "I'm going out." I shouted loud to Sai.


After knocking the door couple of times, he responded.

"Why in the world you're ghosting me?" I aggravated out at Abhay.
"Ok, we can talk about it." he collected himself serene.

I barged inside, "Yaa tell me what happened?" I was kind of on pins and needles.

"Look, you're a nice and-ah a good girl.."
"Yah I'm very good girl, get to the point." I spoke in hurry.

"And I'm not same, you know."

"What you too want to be a good girl? Be one, no issue."

"That's the worst joke anyone can come up with.
Anyways you know that you lie about me to Shub, so ya it's better not take this forward. After all, A I'm not a very good person, so you shouldn't be my friend. And B, why you want to be one too, we've hardly spoken." he said.

"So, A why are you the only one deciding all this, I know we are friends. And B if I'm not make me your fuckin friend."

He stared me for a second, then passed the smile which he was resisting.

"Ok so anyways, I was uh saying that we can go out right now, if you're free." I casually asked puffing the bubble of gum.

He rolled his eyes, and strided off inside, "Hey stop!"
I followed him inside.

I entered inside his room, seemed more on the feminine side. You can tell when it has pictures with fairy lights on one side of the wall.

"What? I was going to change." He popped out from the closet.

"Ok, I'm here." I replied.

He vanished into the closet space again. My eyes fell back on the the television, playing the live match.

"Have I disturbed you? Looks like you were busy." I howled at him.
"No question about that." he replied back.

"But why don't you play? You know today I googled you, and the last match you played was 10 months back." I again spoke in a loud voice to let him hear.

"I haven't feel like from last months." He replied coming out.

"Tsk" I clicked tongue,"Don't you have something else to wear, it's stupid to wear black everytime. No one's recognising you"

"I don't have anything else." he replied looking to the ground.

"Hell no, Abhay we need to go shopping right now, it's an emergency." I rushed out and he followed quietly after picking his keys.

"So how're you coming?" He asked gearing up his bike.

"I would come with you-" I replied.
"Ok then, sit."

"No you shift." I told.
"Shiffftt, I can handle it."
"Have you ever did this before?" his eyes might have popped out.

"I can handle it." I smirked sitting on the driving side.
"God bless my bike." he mumbled under his breath.

I geared up and started smooth.
"Not going to lie I have never rode a bike before but I know the basics" I shared.
"Give it back to me." he protested.

He was breaking out in cold sweat. If you ask me, whole journey was good except when I bumped on a stone and he almost lost his life.

Abhishek's POV-

"So how was your first time?" I asked panting after she stopped.
"You tell me?" she eyed at me.
"Horrible." I answered.

"So-oh, what do you like?" She asked looking around.
"Here at H&M store, uhh it's greatly chintzy." I sighed.

"Where do you shop then? A prada store?" She rolled eyes.
"Duh. Atleast."

She facepalmed.
"Hey, that shirt is cool." She disappeared on the either section.

Not again. I wasn't even looking to talk but now I am here. I just can't turn her down.

Even though she has to lie about me, and I know it's wrong to be with her but I just can't sto this feeling.

It's something about her, really attractive in a way which makes her more like my-my..

"Abhay-look this one is nice na?" the voice brought me back from the thoughts.

"Heer I wanted to tell you something."
I spoke straight up.


A little cliffhanger.
Forgive me for updating so late.
Hope you enjoyed it, like and comment<3.

Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now