Chapter 4

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Shubman's POV-

"I wish I can come with you." said Heer.

"Not again." I mumbled to myself.

"Heer, I did told you that I want you to be with me over anything but glamorizing what we have is the last thing I ever would. If they see us together, there will be buzz around and I hate when my personal life is discussed like a gossip.
This media stuff gets on my nerves, and I don't want that for you." I explained.

"I know, leave it. Tell me how was the last tour?"

"Last tour was disastrous for me!" I told.

"Don't worry, this one will be great." Heer tried cheering me up, when we were sitting at the airport.

She rested her head on my shoulder and enfolded her both hands with my right arm. She can be such a cute snuggler at times.

I checked the screen, and it was almost the time of departure.

"Heer, time to leave." I stated standing up, I pulled her up for a goodbye hug.

She wrapped her arms around tight. I tried to break it, but she was still enclasped to me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Ok, I'll miss you too my love bug." I laughed, I can sense that pretty smile of hers on my chest.

After a few she finally backed off and I pecked her forehead.

She mouthed a bye too, and I left for the departure.

Heer's POV-

As I was rushing out, my phone rang and it was Sai.

S- Hello?

H- Ya?

S- So you're coming back?

H- Like obviously, do you want me to stay here?

S- No, I was just saying that you can bring me a cheesecake on the way back.

H- And you know I have to take the metro back, then I've to take my scooty from the station and instead of coming home after all this, you want me to change the way to bring you cheesecake?

S- That's a lot.

H- Heck yaa.

S- Ok so bring the cake, bye.

She hung up on me. Is she for real at times?

I took the metro back, almost sleeping throughout the journey back, it's a little silent at the morning.

I got up at the station, came down and drove my scooty to the bakery. Yes, she can be annoying but it makes me happy when she is cheerful.

I got inside, "Cheesecake?" asked the server already.
"Yah." He knows well why I am here all the time.

Suddenly I stepped on something, I picked it up and it was a bunch of keys.

Looked like house keys as the key ring had the name of locality.

"Bhaiya, yeh chaabi giri hui thi idhar
(This key was fallen down here.)" I told him.

"Lost Box mai rakh do (Put it in the lost Box)" he pointed.

I looked at it, and the box itself has seemed to lost its purpose, not been used for years.

I took the pastry and came out from the bakery. I noticed that the keys were still in my hand.

Should I just keep them back there? But the person who lost them will be waiting outside his house.

I looked the keychain, actually this building is nearby, I can do drive there if I'll be still alive by the end.


I finally reached after the halts of traffic. I took out the key, the house number was engraved on the metallic surface of it.

"65-A..?" I entered any random building of the society.

"Where's 65-A?" I asked the guard.

"19th floor." he replied.

After taking the lift, I was finally at the 19th floor. Ok there it is, 65th house but there is no one outside the door. I expected more of a saviour feeling.

I rang the bell, and nobody answered. The person might be still searching for the key, poor thing.

Suddenly, someone opened the door. I looked above and it was Abhay. I didn't had any idea that he lived in Delhi.

"Oh hi." I spoke awkwardly.

"Hi, heer?"

"Yah, you le-left these." I showed him the keys.

"Oh yah, I dropped those. Come no."

"Than-ks, it's a nice place." I again faltered, why am I so nervous around him? He does kinda intimidate me without saying a word.

It was an awkward silence for a moment then he spoke, "um I am sorry for last time."

"I thought you were hurt because of Shub."

"No-never, he is my best friend, brother actually and I would never be hurt for what he says. His words always make sense to me." he replied.

"You want coffee? Tea or anything?"

"No, I am a in a little hurry and I got to go."

"Just have some water, I insist." he requested.


Just as he went inside, my phone rang and it was Sai again.

S- What's taking so long?

H- Its crowded in bakery, I'm just coming.

I stood up, to check if Abhay heard it.

Unintentionally my eyes fell on a frame lying upside down on the table.

Should I see what is this? I picked the frame up, and it was picture of Abhay with a girl. The girl was hugging him, I guess she was his ex.

Suddenly, the frame slipped from my hand. It shattered into pieces the moment it hits the ground, and I screamed.

He came almost sprinting from inside,
"What happened?"

"I-m sorry, I should leave." I opened the door and literally ran away from there.

"Wait!" I heard his voice from back but I didn't stopped.


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora