Chapter 1

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Heer's POV-

I threw the phone on the mattress  annoyed.

My eyelids flickered to control the streams of water trying to escape and
my heart pounding like a train down the tracks.

Suddenly, Saira barged in.

"Heer, what happened?" followed her stressed out voice.

"Haven't you seen that video too?"

"The video where Shub said that relationships are waste of time and he'll prefer to stay single for life,..and you're crying about that literally?" she laughed.

"I don't know but I am like really angry with him this time, enough of the crap." I fumed in anger.

She continued, "Sweetie, he's a celebrity after all, these journalists really bug him and the viewers tend to misunderstand him on purpose, he was just trying to get it off his shoulder, just don't sulk about it."

My phone rang midst the bulk of bedsheet. She picked it up,

"Look he's facetiming you, such a cute boyfriend and you, don't give him a hard time for that interview thing."

"It's cute of you to think that I am discussing this for the first time with him.." I chuckled.

I picked up the video call,

"You ok?" he asked chewing his energy bar.

"It's hard to stay mad on you."

"But you know, sorry, what I said was a little hurtful." he winked unintentionally while explaining the little part.

I laughed, damn he's so cute.

"I love you, Shub." I said.

"Oh nice."

"Whaattt? Say it!" I told him laughing low-key being bossy.

"Ok, love you too sugar.. Listen, I'll call you later, I have a gym sesh."


He hung up the call, and I saw Saira giving me are you serious kind of look.

"It's harddd to stay madddd at you." she mimicked me with her over facial expressions.

"Oh my god! I don't sound that horrible." I chortled.

"You know what is more horrible than  that, this was the same person saying,,'Enoughhh of thiss crappp.' just two minutes ago." She mimicked again, this time more dramatically.

"Oh fuck!" I laughed so hard lying on the bed and at this point my stomach almost aching.

She joined me on the either side of the bed laughing, I guess she too has hit that laughing chord.

Soon, the loud laughter changed into silence.

"You really really love him?" she asked.

"What's that about?, vese I do but am not sure of that really really part from his side."

"And why do you think that?"

"I just feel that I love him a little more than than he loves me. But this is not a competition, what I know is I can really trust him, and thats what matters."

She didn't replied, after a few seconds she spoke, "Yo so what have you planned for tomorrow, it's your first anniversary after all."

"I don't even know, if he is gonna come or not, and he won't allow me to come there to see him, so I don't know."

"He is coming, and don't you dare tell him that I told you before hand." She threatened me.

"You freak, you knew that already?!" I stood up.

"Chill, he might have planned about tomorrow, you just have to glam up."

"And what has he planned?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know really.."

I reciprocated her are you serious look, actually mastered that, side affects of living with your bestfriend.

"Jeez, I seriously don't know, swear on god the only more I know is that he was planning on taking you to a fancy place to eat out or something..I'm sorry."

"Fuck you dude! You've told me everything, his surprise is ruined now." I threw pillows and bed sheets on her.

"Ok, but don't tell him that I told yaa or else he's definitely going to kill me."

"Yo what's vibrating under me?!" She exclaimed in confusion.

"Haw, dirty girl."

"It's your phone dirty minded." She handed me.

I opened it, and there was a notification, Shub posted a new picture on instagram.

The caption said,
'Best friends? Nah, we're brothers.

There was another guy with him too in the picture, oh I've seen him, who's him? Cursed myself for not watching cricket often.

Before I can click on the tagged icon, Saira snatched it from my hand,
"Show me, what're you looking?!"

"Oh, spamming on jiju's photo." She teased.

I brushed off a smile, "Well, I was wondering who the next guy is?"

"Obviously he's Abhishek Sharma."

"Yah, Shub talks a lot about him, he usually mentions him as Abhay though".

"But dude look at him he is a treat,  how can someone be so hot? Ask Shubi to introduce me to him, I can even pay for that." She expressed.

"I'd love that shub gets paid but I guess Abhay is already taken."

"Fuck. Why in this world every handsome and extremely hot guys are taken." She spoke annoyed.


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora