With every word the Master spoke, Sect Leader Lan's face grew grave. He had not only scolded a disciple, but he had also done it wrongfully based on the heat of the moment and his own biased judgement. He had simply seen Master Jin having his back with multiple people with arrows in their hand and Master Jiang right behind his feet on the ground, collapsed. With every passing word, Sect Leader Lan felt like he had made a big mistake. The only thing running through his mind was to present a sincere apology.


Sect Leader Lan had not felt nervous in a long time. It was so long ago that he does not even remember the last time he felt so. The one time he did remember was before being announced as Sect Leader in his younger days. This was something totally different and he didn't know how to deal with this situation. As soon as his uncle walks in, he puts his thoughts on hold and talks with his uncle about the happenings of the early day at the night hunt.

He was hoping his uncle would retreat at the end of the day but he waited alongside for the report. Sect Leader Lan finds himself conflicted but has no time to ponder as the disciples fill in one by one. Sect Leader Lan smiles at them but his eyes finally rest at Master Jiang who after a respectful bow looks at his uncle instead of him. Uncle simply smiles and strokes his beard in response.

"Please take a seat and begin to report your observations one by one and then proceed with the learning."

The first person to speak is Master Jin and Sect Leader Lan really tries to pay utmost attention to his words but he feels uncomfortable with being pointedly avoided by Master Jiang. His thoughts are preoccupied as he nods along and plays the attentive listener. At one point, he sees Master Jiang frown at Master Jin. This time, he really listens to Master Jin.

"I have learned that I can push myself to be better in the gravest situations." Sect Leader Lan realised the reason for the frown but he was at loss again since he had not heard the first part of the sentence.

"Master Jin. A night hunt, especially a dangerous one as this, no place for you to be testing things out. Other people's lives depend on the group dynamic and one person's shift can shift that teamwork."

Master Jin only nodded solemnly and he felt satisfied. But the scowl on Master Jiang only deepened and he flashed an annoyed look at Sect Leader Lan. Now he was more concerned. Sect Leader Lan felt like he was missing something about Master Jin, looking at Master Jiang's frown. Since he knew nothing, he said no more and moved on to other disciples.

Their accounts were very clear and reflected on what the new master music cultivator had spoken of. Now that it was Master Jiang's turn, Sect Leader Lan listened attentively, his expression of a calm smile never betraying his lack or excess of attention from one disciple to another.

Much to his disappointment, Master Jiang chose to summarize instead of elaborate, "The corpses seemed to have come alive and come alive in numbers, they seemed to have a single purpose which indicates single control or master. Something like puppets to a puppeteer. The attack was organised and targeted at the sect leader. Even the attacks on nearby villages seemed to be an attraction just big enough to have Sect Leader come out himself."

For the first time, Sect Leader Lan saw Master Jiang's eyes had no irritation and face had no scowl. He portrayed great qualities of a future sect leader and even looked particularly handsome in his deep thinking mode. It was simply the presentation of facts like others had failed to do. Not once did Master Jiang seem like Sect Leader Lan had scolded him unreasonably. He didn't seem like youth at all. Sect Leader Lan was impressed. It seemed like Master Lan was too.

"That is a good conclusion. Master Jiang, you have great analytical abilities, I look forward to them in the future." Sect Leader Lan nodded in agreement and prompted.

"And what have you learned from Master Jiang?" Sect Leader Lan felt like he had asked something vicious to the man as he turned back from his uncle to him and gave him a smile. A small curve of the lip on the side with no softness at all.

"I learned not to meddle in others' business without their permission. Maybe I am saving someone when they don't want to be saved." The bite was very visible and he saw his uncle turn to him sharply, sensing something had happened but could say nothing.

"Ah! Master Jiang. Could you please stay behind, I have something to talk to you. All of you can go back." Sect Leader smiled a little more trying to ease the tension.

Sect Leader Jiang bowed, a little too much making Sect Leader Lan uncomfortable, "I am sorry. I have to go see my brother. If it is not urgent, can we do it some other time?"


Like a stone had been placed on his chest, Sect Leader Lan let him go.

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