Wolf's Log

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SITUATION: Preparing to meet Chan.F. Per H.R’s request to monitor the home of M.J. 

WORST CASE SCENARIO: M.J. is in league with the Messengers, he discovers what we’re up to, and we end up being their next victims.

BEST CASE SCENARIO: M.J. is unaware of the Messengers, and will assist us with our efforts to find them. Starting with the removal and interrogation of Chief F.

PROBABLE SCENARIO: A very, very, long night. The evidence that my colleagues have gathered thus far is circumstantial at best, and it’s taken a very long time to get that much. Anything that can be found will take an ungodly amount of patience.

THOUGHTS: Personally, I don’t doubt that Chief F. has something to do with these Messenger types. But M. J.? I find that very doubtful. I may not be a psychologist, but I’ve seen that look in Mayor Johnson’s eyes when he speaks, both publicly and privately. I’ve seen the way he reacts to crime and corruption…it’s the same as me. I cannot see how such a man could ally himself with a kidnapping ring, no matter who the targets are. If you ask me, we should be approaching M.J. for help, not wasting our time monitoring him. Especially not if it requires me to work with people like M.S., an arrogant coward operating behind the scenes. I understand that his skills are valuable…but certainly we could have found someone closer to home…I’m ranting, I know. It’s nothing against Stein, really. In the grand scheme of things, we could have done much worse. It’s just….this is a Concordia case; it should be handled by Concordia people. People like M.S. and B.D. should keep out of it....then again, if it weren’t for B.D., we might not have found out about the Messengers in the first place.

Nothing would make me happier than to handle this case either on my own or with H.R., if need be. But I understand that this goes way above me. Still, I can’t wait to bust one of those Messenger types…and I can’t wait to see Chief F. busted. He gives good cops like me a horrible name…and he will pay for that.

Departing now to meet Chan. F…I hope she remembers the coffee. Observations will be recorded periodically as the night goes on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2013 ⏰

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