Observation & Opposition

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            This is the record of Marcus Stein. Yes, that’s an alias. No, I’m not giving out my real name. No, I don’t feel comfortable with any of this. I’m not from Concordia, this isn’t my town, and this isn’t any of my concern. I’m doing this because Chantelle asked me. Case closed. Why did she ask me? Mind your own damn business, we’re the investigators here.

            The following is my report of Johnson’s digital presence, both personal and professional. In the former respect, Johnson is totally clean. Disgustingly clean. Academic records? Perfect. Tax records? Boringly normal. His e-mail consists of family letters, bills and statements, news updates, sports updates, a subscription to Cracked online updates, and pictures of cats from his friends.  Social media is squeaky clean too.

            However, once I got into Johnson’s work database, I found something disturbing. Records show several pieces of correspondence between Johnson and Forbes regarding an unknown benefactor that has been providing support for both the Mayor and the police. Going through the e-mails, I was initially unable to determine exactly who this mysterious benefactor was. However, as Rahall and Chantelle have suspected, Chief Forbes is an imbecile. He sent an e-mail to Johnson yesterday in which he let the cat out of the bag. Well, a reply to an e-mail, anyway.

                Johnson attempted to delete the following, but I managed to get a copy before it could be wiped from his e-mail server.

FROM: xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxx

 TO: yyyyyyyyyyy@yyyyyyyy.yyy

 SUBJECT: ATTN: Our Benefactor’s Concern

Chief Forbes,

                                    Let me begin by commending you on your unprecedented success as Chief of Police for the noble populace of Concordia. Never before has our beloved community enjoyed such a period of peace and stability under such a fine chief. I am proud to have been able to support you, as you I, in our noble endeavor to clean up Concordia.

                                    But, let us both remember that we have not been fighting this battle alone. Those corrupt and ignorant who would stand against us, they have been kept at bay not by the sheer force of our will nor by the great determination of the good people of Concordia.

            Our gracious Benefactor, who have given us so much and requested so little, are in need of our assistance. The assets which we have permitted them to borrow have come to be….fewer. As Fate would have it, some have prematurely found their way into Concordia. As they have been so kind to us so far, I cannot allow for the Benefactor to have any reason to suspect greed on our part.

            Though I would not challenge your competency, good Chief, I would ask that you devote all available resources into gathering these misplaced assets and returning them to our Benefactor.

            There is also another matter which we need to discuss. It appears that perhaps not all of the misplaced were lost by error. Someone stands in opposition to our Benefactor, and it is only right that we ascertain their identity and persuade them to see reason. To do that, I will need your assistance.

            Please, feel free to contact me and we can schedule a meeting to discuss our efforts. Perhaps over breakfast?

 Yours Truly,

Robert Johnson

Mayor of Concordia.

 FROM: yyyyyyyyyyy@yyyyyyyy.yyy

TO: xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxx

 SUBJECT: RE: ATTN: Our Benefactor’s Concern

            Mayor Johnson,

                                                I will certainly look into this matter. However, the good people here at the Concordia Police have other cases to work on, other criminals to bring to justice, other deviants to monitor, etc. As such, I will devote whatever resources I can, but there are some which are simply indispensable at the present moment. Please, if you can, send them that message.

                        As for this opposition, I will have to discuss that with you personally. I believe there may be more than one foe for the Benefactor at work in Concordia.

                        Breakfast sounds wonderful. I’ll call you later tonight and we can set a time.



P.S. Please note the irony of the message comment is unintentional and I mean no disrespect.

The “message comment” irony? Someone should have taught Forbes the meaning of the phrase “dead giveaway”. It’s little wonder why Johnson wanted to delete that message so quickly. I certainly don’t envy Forbes right now.

However, there’s something else that disturbs me. In Johnson’s original e-mail, he talked about an opposition to the Messengers (Benefactors) and that he wants Forbes to investigate. On first glance, I assumed that he was referring to Docherty, considering it was she who had the encounter with the Messengers in the sewer. However, Forbes speaks of two. It’s possible he’s referring to his cousin and is simply unaware of the relationship between Docherty and Chantelle, but that seems heavily unlikely. That leaves open the possibility that there is another person or organization working against the Messengers, and that this being is the one who has been releasing the captives.

So, Johnson’s concerned and wants Forbes to pursue these “assets”. In other words, those poor souls who escaped from the Messengers the first time are now in Johnson’s sights to be sent back to the devils.

Well, as I said, Concordia’s not my concern. But if I know Chantelle, this report is going to devastate her. This is not going to be easy, by any stretch of the imagination. Tonight I’m set to monitor the cameras and digital presences of both Forbes and Johnson. Joy in my heart.

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