chapter 4

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Tristans pov.

Tiffany fell asleep whilst we were watching the tv. I switch it off and carry Tiffany up stairs and place her in her bed. I then head down stairs to work on some songs i am producing and doing remixs when the door bell rang.

I operned the door to find a policeman stood in front of me. 'Mr Evans?' he asks 'Yes thats me. How can i help?' i ask ' i'm afraid you mum has been in a car crash and is in hospital and they need you their' he says 'Okay.' i say in shock ' Is it just you here sir?' he asks ' No my sister is upstairs' i say 'Okay could you get her please' he ask 'yeah come on in'.

I walk up stairs ' tiff' i say lightly shaking tiffany ' tris whats ups?' she asks sleeply 'we need to go to the hospital i say, mum is hurt.' i say. 'carry me please tris, and is my chair down stairs?' she asks 'yes it is we will bring it with us' i say picking her up and grabbing her blanket at the same time.

I walk down stairs 'got her, please could you take her chair out side please' i say pointing to the collapsible one which we use when I take her out as it will fit in my car when mums cars in use. 'Sure' he says and he leads us into the police car and takes us to see mum, he leads us up to mums room and says goodbye.

'Mum what happened?' i ask placing Emma on the campbed they had got get out, 'i dont know tristan, i was driving home after work and then this car crashed into me and then a lorry and then i blacked out, next thing i knew i was here, a policeman came and took a statement and i asked him to go and bring you here.' ' so what happerning' i ask 'they are keeping me in for tests but when i first came in they though i wont make it through the night but we'll see.

<next morning>

Tristans pov,

Mums awake, doctors have been comming in to check on mum and do her obs, i have slept on the chair, 'Mrs Evans what can we get you for breakfast?' her nurse asks 'Toast please' mum replies 'would you and your sister like any thing please' she asks me ' yes please could we have the same but with a bowl of coco pops please' i say 'sure i'll bring it to you soon'

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