"24" suruchi informed

"A 24 year old young and handsome kid" kongpob replied grinning

Kerkarai chuckled at his words, suruchi tried maintaining her angry face but failed, she could never be angry on this boy, nobody could, he was just too charming

"Aren't you getting late for work though?" Kekarai asked, glancing at the clock

Kongpob turned towards the clock as well, his eyes widened, he was getting late

"Shit! My boss is going to fire me" Kongpob yelled, before grabbing his bag from the couch and running towards his car

"Break.." Suruchi couldn't complete as he had already left

"Created such a mess, and now didn't even have his breakfast" kerkarai said shaking his head

"Who would marry him?" Suruchi asked, her forehead creasing

"Someone who knows how to clean, and would be nearly impossible to find" kerkarai chuckled

She sighed at her husband, he, just like his son, doesn't take things seriously, while she was genuinely worried about kongpob's marriage, all her husband did was worry her more

Arthit was driving, he was on his way to his office, there was quite too much traffic today which made him frustrated, his day hadn't even started and he was already in a bad mood

His eyes were fixed on the road, as he tried driving a little faster, wanting to reach his office as soon as possible, and then start with his not so busy schedule

His mind somehow diverted to all the works he had to complete after reaching his office, not fully paying attention on the road and bang!

Arthit's body was pushed forward due to the force, slowly lifting up his head, he peeked out of his window only to find a few people gathered around, a black car stood right in front of him, and he could see a few scratches and bends on it

Still figuring out how it all happened, he felt a knock on his window, turning his gaze towards the window he saw a boy, in his early 20's standing outside, glaring at him

When arthit didn't move, the boy knocked again, sighing arthit got out of the car, standing right in front of the boy

"Listen, I'm s.." Arthit was cut by the stranger

"Doesn't matter, where was your mind? What if you had bumped into some animal and killed it? Or what if you had bumped into a huge truck and killed yourself?" The boy asked, glaring

"I will pay you for the repair, its just that I'm in a hurry ri.." Arthit was cut yet again

"I'm late too, guess what, I'm probably fired because of you, and now I also have to get my car repaired, all because you weren't paying attention" the boy argued

"What do you want me to do now?" Arthit asked

"Give me your number, if I get fired, it's because if you, and then its you who is getting me a job" the boy replied

"What?" Arthit asked confused, he didn't quite understand what the other meant

He was getting late too, did he complain?

"Don't what me, give me your number otherwise come to the police station with me" he demanded

Arthit looked at his watch, he was getting late, sighing, he pulled out his phone, unlocking it as he handed it to the boy

"Fine feed your number, take mine or do whatever, but let me go" arthit replied

The boy took the phone from arthit's hold, feeding his number, he called himself, once he received the others number, only then he moved away, letting arthit drive away

"Cold and arrogant, he seemed" the boy mumbled, before getting inside his car and driving away

Reaching his office, arthit rushed to his cabin, grabbing some important files before rushing to the meeting room

Pulling out his phone to check a few details, he noticed a new number saved, which he assumed to be the boy's he had a little accident with

Kongpob the contact read, shrugging it off and rushing to the meeting room, arthit forgot about the number by the end of the meeting

It was late at night, and arthit was completing his files when he heard a ping on his phone, turning to look at it, he noticed it was a message from kongpob

Curiosity got the best of him as he immediately opened the message


I didn't get fired, you are lucky, I might as well forgive you for today


Was what arthit replied, before putting the phone away, his eyes back on the screen but his mind still on the boy

Such a weird boy, hopefully I won't have any more encounters with him ever again arthit thought

How colder can he be? Kongpob thought as he read the shortest message he had ever seen which arthit just sent him

I purple you 💜

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