Author's Note

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Hello everyone! Before we start the story, I just want to thank you all for supporting my story, Merged Worlds! We reached 2k+ reads on it! Yay! And to celebrate! I decided to rewrite it! And with this rewrite, lots of things changed like I removed and added characters and changed the flow of the story a little bit. I don't know if this is better or if it's worst, but if you ask me I think it might be a masterpiece?

Also, spoiler, if you guys haven't watched Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame yet then I recommend that you guys don't read this story as it is highly/heavily inspired by those two movies. Lots of scenes in this story are from IW and Endgame! Making this story and Avengers: IW and Endgame AU.

Also, this will be the last story that I'll publish for a while as I am going on a long-awaited and needed hiatus! I got to get me rests on!

That being said, let's get into the story! I hope you guys enjoy this! Again, thank you so much for your support and love! Stay safe!

I own not the characters mentioned in this story. All characters belong to their rightful owners/creators. I own only the fanfiction story.

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