Chapter Five

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Somewhere in Gravity Falls

"Consider this loss an opportunity to restart. For when the new sun rises tomorrow, you all will wake up to see your new ruler, Emperor Belos of the Boiling Isles." Kikimora stated as Warden Wrath walks over the bodies of the Pines family, walking out of a destroyed Mystery Shack as he carries Bill's statue back to the portal.

"Stop... You can't take that..." Stanford tried getting up, his arms and face bruised up as he took a beating from stopping Warden Wrath.

"Don't worry, for everything will be alright," Kikimora says just before the portal closes, leaving behind the Pines family as they lie to the ground, emotionless as they watch them take away Bill's statue.

"It's over, they have Bill's statue." Dipper mutters out as he lies on the broken-down floor of the shack.

"We need to stop them before they get to do whatever it is they're going to do with Bill's statue. If they manage to make Bill return then it's all over. There's nothing we can do to stop him." Stanford says as he stands up, helping the others get back on their feet again.

"But how will we stop them? That Warden Wrath guy took us down even though he was outnumbered."

"I don't know, but we still have to try Stanley. We have to take every shot we get no matter how small the chance we have at stopping them."

"Okay, we'll say that we have a chance at stopping them. Then what about where? Where will we stop them?"

"Well, that Kikimora says something, a place. Emperor Belos of the Boiling Isles, so that's where we are going." Stanford stated as he pulls out a device from his trench coat. It was a gun of some sort with a small screen attached to it.

"What's that?"

"It's my Yeti Locator."

"How's a Yeti Locator going to help us find this Boiling Isles?"

"Relax Stanley, I just need to reprogram it and it should turn into a Realm Locator that will help us locate---" Stanford's sentence was cut as a beeping noise started coming from the newly reprogrammed Realm locator. "The Boiling Isles." Stanford continued as he and the others stare at the screen, giving the coordinates for the Boiling Isles.

"Okay, now that we have the coordinates, how will we get there?" Stanley asks, scratching his head.

"We're going to rebuild the portal."

Somewhere in the Boiling Isles

"Any luck finding the cause of those sudden boulders from falling?" Luz asked as Eda and Lilith returned from their search.

"Yup, it turns out that it was just a group of workers that were clearing a path for the new scream and play park," Eda answered.

"They should throw those boulders some other direction," Lilith added, placing her staff beside a chair as she went back to organizing her glyphs.

"Well someone's in a bad mood."

"Eh, she wasn't looking where she was going so she hit a tree, embarrassing herself in front of kids." Eda snorted. "Anyway, you got the last ingredient for the soup?"

"Sure do! I quickly ran to the market and bought it while you two were doing your search." Luz takes out the slimed frog eyes from her bag and hands them over the Eda.

"Good job kid." Eda smiles as she takes the jar of slimed frog eyes from Luz, heading towards the kitchen.

"You better cook that soup better than before Eda!"

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