Chapter Nine

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Somewhere in the Owl House

"Luz, stop pacing back and forth. You're starting to make me dizzy." King says as he stops making glyphs, looking at Luz with concern.

"I'm sorry but I can't help it. Eda and Lilith haven't come home yet and I'm starting to feel like something bad has happened to them."

"Come on Luz, there's nothing to be worried about. Those two will be fine, now come here and help us with these glyphs so when they come home, we can start practicing glyphs!" King grabs two of the made glyphs and slaps them against one another but nothing happened. "I've been thinking about this last night, what if we used glyphs with one another? That way they can be even more powerful!"

Luz lets out a small laugh as she starts walking towards the couch where Gus, Willow, and King are making the glyphs. As she walks towards the couch, she heard a noise coming from outside, kind of like someone was groaning in pain.

"What's that noise?" Willow asks, looking at Luz.

"You hear it too?" Gus added as he puts down the pencil.

"Sounds like someone's hurt. I'll go check it out."

As Luz walked towards the door, Hooty comes in screaming as clay-like monsters were biting on his neck. "Get them off! Hoot!"

"Hooty!!!" Luz screams as she grabs pans in the kitchen and starts hitting the clay monsters with them. Luz was successful in making the clay zombies stop biting Hooty, so good that they started melting as they fell to the ground.

"What were those!?" Willow asked as Gus and her run by Luz's side.

"I don't know, but there's more where those came from," Luz says as she readies the pan like a sword, preparing to defend the house from the clay zombies coming out of the trees.

Somewhere in the Boiling Isles

"Over here! Hurry!" Stanford yells out as he blasts a zombie that was standing in front of him, clearing a way for him and the others.

"What are these things!?" Sprig asks as he covers his head with his hands.

"I don't know man! But these things are definitely not friendly! Ack!"

"ANNE!!!" Sprig yells as Anne's hair was caught by one of the clay zombies. "Get your clay hands off her!" Sprig leaps in the air and tongue slap the zombie that got Anne's hair, freeing her in the process. "Ugh, eww! That does not taste good!"

"That was so cool! Spranne against the world!" Anne celebrated as she gives Sprig a high five.

"Hate to break your small celebration, but we still have more clay zombies!" Stanley alerted the two as he punched the clay zombies with his brass knuckles. "These things won't stay down!"

"Wait, where's Polly!?" Anne gasps as she notices that Polly was missing. Sprig started looking around, trying to find his sister. "Has anyone seen Polly!?"


Sprig hears Polly's cries for help and he jumps in the air, and there he sees her holding a piece of wood as she was surrounded by the clay zombies. "POLLY!!!"

Polly covers her eyes as the clay zombies kept walking closer towards her. Just as the zombies were about to grab Polly, a shield came flying towards the clay zombies, knocking them away from her. She opens her eyes and there she sees Dipper in front of her, the shield in his arm as he tries to fend off the clay zombies.

"There's too many of them! Over there!" Dipper points at an empty house as he uses the shield to protect himself and Polly from the clay zombies. "We can stay there! It's too dangerous out here in the open!"

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