His real smile was pretty good was all Jiang Cheng thought at the time. He seemed to have jinxed it because that day Sect Leader Lan frowned a lot and worried a lot. They went to the lake for Water Ghouls and ended with an Aqua demon at their hands. As expected, his brother, Wei Wuxian was right in the middle of the problems, saving someone, putting himself in danger. Thankfully Lan Wangji caught him or else Wei Wuxian would be swimming in the lake with the water ghoul. Jiang Cheng wasn't worried even when there were a thousand water ghouls because they were used to them back at Lotus Pier but now it was an aqua demon.

He had to be the voice of reason, as always. He scolded and settled his brother on the boat beside him after they were done. He had expected Lan Wangji to be scolded too but neither of the brothers spoke. Nothing on that front. What a cordial relationship. At least Sect Leader Lan's brother wasn't a handful. Wei Wuxian only rested for a while after which he started to get some liquor from this shop, some loquats from that, some seeds here and a flower there.

"Flowers for the frowning maiden." Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes at his brother's antics and hit him over the head but he dodged.

"Give it to shijie." Wei Wuxian added, pushing the flower to his chest.

"You give it to her. I will buy one on my own." He mocked and looked around, spotted a beautiful pouch and picked it up. Jiang Cheng was only short of one silver and Wei Wuxian was out of his by the time they reached back to CLoud Recess.

He was tired, thrust the pouch in his brother's hand, "give it to shijie," and went to sleep in his room.

On the way, he looked at Sect Leader Lan coming from a distance and paused. He didn't feel like chatting with anyone, so he stayed in the shadow until the man paused before continuing.

"Wangji. Here are a few loquats for you." Jiang Cheng paused. He remembered earlier in the day when Wei Wuxian was trying for Lan Zhan to warm up to him but Lan Zhan threw the loquats back. He must have wanted them because when Jiang cheng turned around, Lan Wangji was accepting them with a small smile.

He must really not like Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng thought before turning the corner.


Lan Xichen takes his last round for midday around the lands and comes upon Master Cheng running away. He wanted to stop him and call out but Master Cheng runs into Master Nie and comes to a halt.

"Did you find him?" Sect Leader Lan keeps walking towards them listening to worry in Master Cheng's voice.

"Near the waterfall, duelling with Second Young Master Lan." Master Cheng facepalms himself quite expressly at Master Nie's news and makes Sect Leader Lan pause in his place. The expression looked quite funny, it made him want to laugh but he held himself, turned around and went to the elder hall to wait for his brother. He knew his brother would only be duelling with Master Wei to drag him in for punishment.


Cheng runs from the training ground, not caring if he'd get punished anymore. The punishment was too severe. And why the hell was Wangji getting punished, Master Cheng did not understand a single thing about the whole situation but he was sure, his brother was the one that caused the problem. He always was.

His steps came to a halt. There was someone in his way. Sect Leader Lan, tears rolling down his cheeks as he went towards the living quarters. He too was running, rather than walking so fast, it was really skirting close to rule-breaking.

He shook himself, he didn't have time to care about it. He rushed to that place. Nothing. There was no one. Where would Wei Wuxian go after being flapped like that?


Sect Leader Lan goes around the living quarters at the early toll bell and sees Master Jiang up and coming towards himself. There is mostly a look of being rushed on his face and that usually means he is looking for his brother. Sect Leader Lan smiles to himself and goes to meet the boy halfway. He realises that Master Jiang is surprised, not having seen him turning a corner.

He steps back and realises that he seemed to have grown a little taller in the last month. Shaking that thought he asks, "Master Jiang? Are you looking for your brother?"

"Yes Sect Leader Lan. Have you seen him?" Master Jiang askes with a short courtesy. There is a small box in his hand and his eyes are darting all over.

"I hope he isn't creating mischief." Sect Leader Lan thought he would be echoing those words had he not been the one to see Master Wei himself.

"I saw him some time ago and sent him to a healing pool that resides behind Cloud Recess."

"Oh!" Master Jiang seemed to relax and then shuffle before he gave another courtesy, "Thank You. I'll be off."

Sect Leader Lan scrambled for another topic to talk about as Master Jiang looks ready to leave.

"Master Jiang. How long have you and your adoptive brother known each other?" Sect Leader Lan thought it would be good to know more about Master Wei since he has been around Wangji a lot.

"Father brought him home when he was about 6."

"Has he always been like this? I mean mischievous?" Sect Leader Lan could see that one brother being mischievous had put too much responsibility on the other to be serious. The scowl spoke of that.

"Not at first but as he opened up. Yes. Always. He would never follow a rule that he didn't agree with or understand. He takes our family motto to heart and takes it a little too far many times. He loves a challenge and here he sees.. No offence Sect Leader Lan but he sees everything as a challenge."

Sect Leader Lan worries if his brother is just another challenge to Master Wei but he sees the fond smile on Master Cheng and the next words soothe his heart, "The thing is after he has achieved the challenge, he will tell others how to conquer it. That is how he makes friends. This is also the reason he has been such a pain ever since he arrived here. There is even no point in saying this to him, he will never agree. He thinks he is just doing the right thing by sticking his nose here and there." Sect Leader Lan almost laughs at Master Jiang's scowl between his eyes. Now it just looks adorable instead of grumpy. He never misses the fondness in his Master Jiang's tone and wonders if there is more.

After so much said, Master Jiang stops, he gives another bow, "I went too far. I hope this will not get him in trouble."

There is a tremble in his voice and Sect Leader Lan feels bad. Why can't he just be treated as a friend for once instead of being a sect leader? But he says nothing, nods his head and answers as he begins to walk again, "Not at all. I just want to understand him better. I hope you both can keep out of trouble until he is in Cloud Recess."

"Impossible." he listens to a soft mutter, smiles and keeps walking.

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