"𝐾𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑒"

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Y/n pov

"Don't stress. Don't stress." I said trying to calm myself down

"Relax y/n" Vinnie said rubbing the sides of my arms

"I will just give me time" I said

I distracted myself by getting ready, but it didn't last long so I went downstairs and went to grab something to snack on

"It's a big day isn't it" I heard Jordan say and I could tell he was smiling

"Yeah it is" I said smiling back about to walk away, but he grabbed my hand

"I know you're planning something, so I suggest you tell em what it is"

"Over your dead body" i said giving him a hint before walking off

I walked over to see Vinnie holding the door open for me and we both went outside

We ended up at this huge house  that was filled with people and when Vinnie walked in everyone started getting excited

"Awww look at my son, I can't believe you're going to take over your fathers job" she said as she gave him a hug

"So this is Mrs. Hacker?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"Who is she" she asked politely but I could tell she was judging me

"I'm y/n, Vinnie's girlfriend" I said as we shook hands

"Oh that's nice. How long have you guys been together"

"A year and it's funny he never mentioned you" I said side eyeing Vinnie

She looked over at him too

"I like her and she's definitely a keeper" she said smiling which lightened all of our moods

She walked off and Vinnie nervously laughed

"I swear I was gonna tell you-"

"It's no big deal" I said smiling then walked off to get a drink

A presence came next to me and I knew it was Jordan

"Where are you going to be sitting" he asked

"The front obviously, and I'm assuming you're one of the men that will be sitting on the stand" he smiled

"Yes I will" he said and I felt his hand creep behind me to touch my lower back

"I should get going to my seat" I said moving from his light grip

Everyone took their seat in their rows and they got started by introducing all the people that Vinnie's dad used to work with

Soon Vinnie went on the stage and everyone clapped for him

He started to give his speech and I was watching Jordan who was sitting behind Vin

As Jordan's hand went into his pocket my hand was reaching for my gun

As the end of the speech approached Jordan pulled out his gun and I pulled out mine as quick as possible

I shot his arm that he was going to shoot Vinnie with and everyone gasped

Guns were pointed at me and Jordan by different guards from around the room

"Everyone calm down" Vinnie said in the mic

"Put the guns down" he continued looking at Jordan who was reaching for his gun

Vinnie stepped on his other arm that wasn't injured

"Guys.. guys this was all planned" I said putting down my gun with my hands up

"She's correct guards put the guns down" Vinnie asked and they all did

I went on the stage grabbing the mic then Jordan's collar on his shirt

"Tell them what your plan was" I said slightly yelling

"Kill me" he said

"Happily" Vinnie said taking his gun out and shooting him in the head which made blood go over me and my dress

"Everyone have a nice night" I said and they all started to exit except for Vinnie's mom and the guards

The guards started to get rid of the body and blood and Vinnie's mom started to walk over us

"I'm even more impressed than I was before"she said smiling

"Anything to keep your son safe" I said smiling back at her

"Mom we should get going" Vinnie said and we all said our goodbyes once we made it to the parking lot

"Hold on y/n before you get in" he said going to the trunk and getting some towels

He placed them on the seat before we both got in and I looked at him before giggling

"What? I don't want blood on the seat" he said

"One towel each seat isn't gonna work" I said and he rolled his eyes smiling

"Whatever" he said before taking off and we soon made it to the house

We both got out and took the towels in with us throwing them in the bin

We took a long shower together and laid down to watch tv

"I can't believe I did that" I said

"I get why you're so in shock. My first couple kills were terrifying" he said pulling me closer

"What happened" I asked

He started telling me the story and I rudely fell asleep to it and soon he fell asleep with me

A/n: hey 😅

"If I can't have you no one will" - V. H.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang