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I entered Vinnie's room and stood at the door after closing it

"I'm sorry" he said as he laid on the bed

"We're you spying on me?" I asked and he looked at me

"What? No" he said defensively

"How did you see me hanging with Jack then" I said and he huffed

"Well I was doing my job and when I was driving to see you, I saw you getting into a car with that guy"

I laid beside him on the bed and sitting up a little

"I won't hang with him again ok" I said and he smiled then zoned out for a second

"Did you take him home" he asked

"Not really it was a trap house. I told him not to go cause they bully him" I said not realizing I'm telling to much

"What if I told you that you should hang with him" he said

"But didn't you just make a big deal out of it??"

" yeah I know but I need you to get some information"

At this point my heart is racing fast because he literally is putting me in danger

"Fine but only once..maybe twice"

He hugged me

"Starting tomorrow your mission starts" he kissed my cheek and I smiled

I then tackled him and we played around before going to sleep.

A/n: pretty short but I'll make the next one long asf like 900 to 1,000 words

But yeah my cuzin over here and we do to much shit and I also don't want her knowing I'm writing this like the rest of the family 😅

Byyee 😘

"If I can't have you no one will" - V. H.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum