A/n: i have to adress this

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This book right here rubs me the wrong way because not only is the title similar to my new book(this one) but the the book is literally a copy of mine with little changes in it

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This book right here rubs me the wrong way because not only is the title similar to my new book(this one) but the the book is literally a copy of mine with little changes in it

When they asked if they could use some parts of my book I thought it would be little moments like how nobody see's Vinnie, but no

It's a whole copy and I feel uncomfortable with someone trying to copy my book and remix it a bit then call it their own

ALSO they did not give me credit, no @ in their description, literally nothing leading back to me

I don't want to give hate to anyone but I would like to ask if anyone wants to use my books for inspiration then just privately text me and we can figure it out



I will most likely take legal action if that shit is an exact copy of any of my books with minor changes

Thank you for reading and I will be updating tomorrow at 5pm so be ready bye💜

"If I can't have you no one will" - V. H.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora