Chapter 5: Caspar

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When we arrived in the place he wanted to take me, my eyes fashioned on a familiar person. Death.

His dark cloak ran along his frail body, as he stood from his throne and walked across the room.

Something was wrong.

I don't know how I knew it, I just did. Maybe it was Damien's horrid cackling, as Death ran, or the slight limp in his walk, as he skidded across the floor. He went through the doors and Damien and I proceeded to follow him. I knew he couldn't see us, as he rushed into the nearby restroom in his large manor.

I watched him stare into the cracked mirror, his face ashen and weak. He hunched over the sink and groaned loudly; echoing throughout the room. I looked over at Damien, as his smile grew wide and I knew something wasn't right. A loud cough interrupted what I was about to mouth, and I looked over to Death.

In the cracked mirror, I saw his upset face; his stare scared me, as I watched his legs give way and... thud! He was out...


Minutes later, his grunts and groans filled the room again, as he wiped the blood off his hands. He sagged to one side and left the restroom. Damien and I followed him again.

It was tremendously apparent.

Death was going to die...


A/N: sorry for the short chappy... I wanted to add suspense... Cx
Death is dying; but how? Death can't die, he's immortal. What is going on??? Can Caspar stop it in time? And where the hell is Alix? In the picture is what Caspar looks like... as a personal Soul Keeper, he is basically a demon, but not quite; he's half.
I hope you like this story and don't forget to...

Stay ßeautiful, my Creatures! Ciao!

Also, if you guys want to make covers for me, that'd be so sweet! I'm not loving my cover right now, and I hope you guys can make a cool one for me. If you want to make one, send it to me through kik. Thanks guys! Love you!

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