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After less than an hour of watching movies together, I felt Yunho's hand tap my shoulder, our seating arrangement being close. I tried to ignore him and watch the film on screen but he insisted on pestering me, tapping my shoulder over and over until I whipped my head around to face him. His face being covered in an embarrassed blush as he realised my irritation towards him in that second, though my demeanour softened once I noticed how nervous he was.

"Yunho...what is it?" I asked letting the softness seep through into my tone rather than my previous aggression. "I wanted to ask if...I can talk to you for a second?" he asked with a soft voice, his hands fiddling with each other as he nervously looked to the floor. I was hesitant at first and turned around to see Min's gaze on the two of us, she nodded for me to give him a chance to explain and I knew she was right...I gave everyone else a chance to explain except for him and I didn't know why, part of me was just too scared to let him back into my life.

"alright but quickly I don't want to miss too much of the movie" I explained to him as I stood up, wary eyes of Hongjoong watching the two of us as we left the room together.

"where are they going?" I heard Hongjoong ask as Yunho and I slowly walked out of earshot, he led me through the house until we reached an empty room filled with some of Yunho's things. "who's room is this?" I questioned as I looked around at the small nicknacks that littered the room alongside some boxes and an empty bed. "it's mine...I'm going to move out of the dorms soon, alongside Wooyoung...I'm surprised you didn't know honestly" He voiced as he plopped himself down on his bed that was situated in the corner of the room, right next to the large open window.

"oh...I didn't know you were also moving out..." I couldn't help the sudden sadness that appeared in my voice as I spoke, sure I was avoiding him but that didn't mean I wouldn't miss seeing his dumb face every day...

"Why are you sad? I thought you would be glad you wouldn't have to see me every day anymore..." he walked over to me and wiped away a tear that had fallen, I wouldn't even know I was crying if he didn't wipe away the tears that stained my cheek. "sorry I don't know why I'm crying honestly" I answered truthfully, I had no clue why I was so affected by him leaving the dorms...it's not like I wouldn't see him still.

We share classes and friends so I would obviously still see him all the time...

I was going to speak again but I had suddenly felt his lips crash onto mine, the softness of the kiss made me fall into his touch. Allowing myself to melt into the kiss as the salt from my tears seeped in between our lips...my eyes peeked open slightly and that's when I realised that he was also crying.

I felt my eyes shutter close once more as the two of us moved against each other, our lips dancing together as small hum's left our lips. I could feel the soft kiss slowly turn from soft to one of neediness and hunger, the two of us craving each other's touch more than before as Yunho slowly backed me up into the bed behind us. My back fell into the plush surface of his mattress as his body encased mine, reconnecting our lips once more before his hands found their way to my hips squeezing them lightly.

He grinded his body down against mine, the action alone caused me to moan quietly but Yunho took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Deepening our kiss from before and allowing our tongues to fight against each other before he explored my mouth, his hands roaming my body before he disconnected from the kiss and placed his lips to my neck.

It was as if a wave of realization took over me and I could feel myself grow anxious, pushing Yunho up off of me before mumbling out an 'I'm sorry' and leaving the room, running down the stairs and out the front door of the house.

I had to go...I needed to be home right now so I started running until I felt a strong grip on my shoulder. I was scared in was Yunho looking for an explanation but to my reassurance, it was just a concerned Hongjoong.

"Hey, what's wrong? why are you leaving...did he...do something?" he asked in a rushed voice as he searched my eyes for any form of discomfort, I couldn't help but break down crying into the older boys arms as he cradled me. "no he did nothing wrong...I just couldn't tell him" I cried earning an understanding nod from my friend who stood there rubbing small circles on my back trying to calm me down.

"I'll walk you home, it's getting late Jae so I don't want anything happening to you alright-" He grabbed my hand before walking towards the school dorms, not waiting for my reply as he hummed along a sweet tune into the night air.

Even after everything I had been through with him I was still really glad I had a friend like Hongjoong, he was always so sweet and reassuring. I was really happy to have him in my life, especially when things between Yunho and I were complicated right now...I could really use a male friend at a time like this and with Mingi being away half the time working a second job I rarely got time to see him.

"Hongjoong...can you stay the night please, I don't want to be alone right now"

𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑜𝑛 - 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧Where stories live. Discover now