Histoire lecture and Traveling to Lastation.

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Plutia: Uh-huuuuuh When its this warm, I feel like taking a nap...

Pantheon: No its a good day to get stronger.

Neptune: Don't be silly. You're sleepy no matter the weather, sillypants.

Plutia: Nuh-uhhhhhhh I can tell you're sleepy, too...

Neptune: I can't help it. The weather's so perfect for log sawing...

Plutia: I agree... Let's take a really long nap... *Instant sleep coma*

Pantheon meditates in the center of the living room slowly floating off the ground.

Neptune: Hrrmm Zzz...

Plutia: Zzz Zzz...

Neptune: ZZZ... Snnrrk

Histoire: Why in Gamindustri are you two sleeping right now!?

Pantheon: I'm just meditating before I get back to fighting monster's.

Neptune: Ack! M-My wake-up alarm?!

Plutia: That was soooo cruel, Histy Don't yell around napping people...

Histoire: I am going to yell, because this nation has TWO CPUs who do nothing but slack off every day. You simply must begin to tackle your workloads!

Histoire: Pantheon you should be asleep as you went through three years without sleeping, eating, drinking, and Medical attention! I mean look at yourself!

Neptune: I know, but look outside! This weather's too nice to do stuff...

Plutia: Napping is the best choice... *Instant sleep coma again*

Pantheon: I must continue or I wont have vengeance.

Histoire: Pantheon please reconsider you are already not supposed to do anything as you were crippled before and now you are close to death.

Pantheon: Correction I am always dying.

Histoire: Do not fall asleep in the middle of my lecture! The two of you ought to go learn from Noire.

Histoire: Pantheon you need to be retired.

Neptune: Noire? I guess we haven't seen her for a while.

Plutia: She's to busy... She became a CPU and made her own nation, you know, um... what's-it-called...

Neptune: Blast...something? It sounded like Lactation... Oh! Last Rebellion!

Histoire: Lastation!

Pantheon: Well she said she wanted me to go visit her although I don't remember why?

Neptune: Oh, yep, that's the ticket. Noire's such a workaholic , huh? She can't make any friends 'cuz she loves working too much.

Plutia: Ohhh, is that why? It must be lonely to not have any friends...

Pantheon: She does have friends you know?

Histoire: Her work ethic is what makes her a grand CPU! You two really should learn from her example.

Neptune: Baww, don't be a pissy Mini-Histy. You'll get wrinkles on that teeny-tiny cutesy-wutesy face!

Plutia: That's right, Histy. You're sooooo cute...

Histoire: Flattery will get you nowhere! Lastation has enough shares to be a threat to Lowee! Even though Planeptune is home to two CPUs, we...

Neptune: Why do you keep praising Noire? There's nothing we can do about it. My Histy told me to sit tight until she thinks up a way to get home.

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