1 - On my own time.

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Woah... Hello...??

Imma ask questions
every chapter so...

What would you like me to
call you all as my readers
besides well-
My readers?
Yes that is the first
question for this book. :3

I do reply to comment yes.
Alright here's chapter.

Todoroki's POV

(a/n: Never started with a Todo pov before- wish me luck or sumthin... this is  w e i r d - O.o)

I was sitting in my room, on my bed. It was sometime around noon. Soon I heard a knock on my door. 'Shtoe cn ai cm in?' Was barely audible through the door. I wanted nothing to do with anyone right now. I didn't want to let her in but... "What do you need?" I asked her trying not to sound too snarky.

Fuyumi cracked the door open, peeking inside. She didn't pull her whole face past the edge of the door. The door was practically up her nose. "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Natsou to see mum... Would you like to?" She asked me. I sat there and thought about it. Did I want to go?

"No, thank you." I responded monotonously. She seemed sad that I had said no but she soon left after saying, "Alright then... I won't force you, but you should at least go and see her on your own time..." 

I lied there in bed, my mind essentially empty. I'm not too sure how long I laid there, but eventually I started thinking about what Fuyumi said. 'On my own time.' I kept repeating those words in my head. 

'My own time?' What's that supposed to mean? Exactly what she said? On my own time? I kept thinking about it not realizing how long I had been sitting there. 'Hei bddee, ai new yu dnt wnt tu cme bt mibee nxt tyme riht?' My brother asked through the door interrupting my thoughts. 

I stayed quiet. I knew if I responded he'd want to talk more, and I still don't want anything to do with anyone. 'hllo? ar yu deir?' He asked after a while. I continued to stay quiet. A while later, I heard him walking away, his footsteps fading as I lie there doing absolutely nothing. 

Feeling lazy so I'm skipping time. :')

It was now almost time for my father to return. I hate every second that man is home. "SHOOOOTOOOOOO" My father called. I sighed before walking out to him. The usual everyday routine. He comes home, yells at me, we eat, then 'train', and finally, I go to sleep. 

(a/n: awwwww poor shoto 😔🥺)

Time skipping to the next morning after breaky :'0

'Once upon a time there was a perty girl named Gertrude. She was so perty that everyone died. Her own mother died, her sister died, and even the dogs all died. She was all alone, and soon enough she died as well. She had no one feeding her, playing with her. She had no one. In the afterlife she saw a quick glimpse at all her friends, and family. They were so happy. Then she was all alone again. She was so sad. Then Gertrude heard a voice. It said, "You'll never be alone as long as i'm around..." All her hair fell out, and some of her teeth grew while others fell out (Like her hair did). She was tortured like that for hours, and soon she was no longer perty. She went to sleep, crying. She had died again. 

What was this now ugly girl to do? Nothing but wallow in the pits of nothing with a stupid voice that knew how to get on her nerves. She was sent to the after afterlife. She died there too. There was nothing left for her now. She was gone. Who was she? No one I knew. What did she do? Nothing I know of. What did she look like? Probably average. Who am I talking about? No one I care about.'

What kind of messed up story is this? I thought as I closed the book and set it on the end table next to me. (a/n: A story I thought of for, and about my baby sister whose name isn't Gertrude. If your name just so happens to be Gertrude, I don't think you're ugly, and you shouldn't either.👊 She wanted the dogs to die. ;-; I just wanted to include it here so-) 

Today I was being forced to try out for UA high school. I went and did what I needed to do and got into the school, along with this other person called 'Momo Yaoyorozu'. I honestly didn't care all that much. I went back home afterwards. Plopping onto my bed, I groaned.

Now what? Just wait? I thought about it, and decided to just wait. When my father finally returned home, he didn't bother me with the usual torture. Instead he left me alone. "Am I going insane?" I said thinking out loud. "Huh..." I lie still on my bed, soon falling asleep.

Midoriya's POV

I tried opening my eyes, but they seemed to stick to each other like glue. What time is it? Am I dead now? Did I die? Wait- DID I DIE??? I began to freak out a little before my eyes finally opened and I was greeted by the plain walls I see everyday. I sighed in relief now knowing I hadn't died. 

I sat up and looked around. Nothing had changed, and there was no one in sight. Always alone... I do what I normally do and I pull out a bunch of books, filled from cover to cover in the usual this and that. I read them for the hundredth time. I pulled out my notebook and wrote in it. There wasn't much to write though. 

I need more books... I wish I could go to a library... It's not like I'm contagious... Or wait- Am I? OH WAIT- No, the doctors said I wasn't... SO WHY CAN'T I LEAVE? I CAN WALK AND ALL THAT- Although I am a little forgetful... But that wouldn't prevent me from- what was my point here... uhh... Nevermind. Main point is, I WANNA BE OUTDOORS.

I shuffled around kicking the air. OO What if I had a punching bag? actually no nevermind... That poor bag... I kept thinking and kicking until I heard the door open. I quickly sat up right and looked toward the door. "Mum!" I jumped up and ran to her, wrapping my arms around her, squeezing her tightly. 

I forgot to check the time but I knew it wasn't really early or really late. I can't say an exact time because my mom is inconsistent, but I can say an estimated time which would be around noon-ish. She came in with one of the doctors per usual. Dr. Miyuki comes in to check on me sometimes. She's nice, and her quirk is really cool. I have it all written down in my notebook, but for a moment I don't want to think about quirks.

We all talked for a while and then my mom had to leave. Just before my mum was fully out the door Dr. Miyuki turned to me. "You seem to be doing just fine, but is there anything you would like to have here?" Dr. Miyuki asked me. I wanted something earlier what was it? A look? A look at what... A bike? I'm barely allowed outdoors... I thought about it. "Oh! I would like it if I had some more books." I said putting on a grin.

"And what kind of books would you want?" She inquired. I pulled out the books I was reading earlier and held it out in front of me. "I want more of these." I responded. She paused for a minute before shrugging. "Alright I'll see what I can do." She said, and then walked out of the room.

Well now i'm bored... I lied there for a while before slowly drifting off to sleep.

I literally said
"OwO wowie hewo fwends UwU"
to my gc of friends and now I
want to commit toaster bath..

Anyone have a toaster? ;-;

Anyway, Have great day *Insert
whatever you all chose to be called
for this book*

Good night ;0

What Is Wrong With You!? // TodoDeku :0Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ