End possibly?

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Hello! So I'm thinking of no longer writing the story. Aside from the fact I have no time to write this story I am also not motivated. I do like the characters and story line but I don't know how I would write the next few chapters. I probably won't write anymore and I don't want to keep anyone waiting for me to post when I won't. But I can say what was going to happen! I'm also sorry that I have to stop. I just feel like writing this is something I have to do rather than something that is just for fun. I might start writing a new story though. So if you would like you can read that (when I post.) But anyways here is what I was going to write.

TW: $u1cid3, bl00d

In chapter 13 Corin and Cleme were going to get in a big fight. Cleme was looking through some old pictures of Corin when they saw someone else. This other person was Corins old freind? Girlfriend? I'm not sure. Corin told Cleme to leave him alone and Cleme decided to leave the house and walk to Kades house. When Kaiden asked why Cleme was there they didn't answer or write down why. Eventually Cleme brightens up and decides to ask Kenji to the prom which just comes out of no where. Kenji says yes cause he would feel bad rejecting Cleme. At the prom Corin also comes and Cleme and him make up. Then Forest and Kenji are together. I decided not to make Cleme and Corin go together cause Corin refers to Kaiden and Cleme as his children and Cleme as the "demon child" Now we get to Kaiden and Leo. They are chilling you know just vibing and Leo decides to get something talk to someone idrk, and the Chandler comes out of the blue and tries to kiss Kaiden. I may or may not want to murder Chandler ehehehhehe. Leo comes back and sees them and sadness, tears, idk makes him go to the school bathroom and he tries to make him self pass away I can't find a better way of wording that. Luckily Kaiden gets away and gets Corin, Cleme, the whole gang to try and find him. I did write a little bit for this part so I will put that in now.

We found him on the floor of the school bathroom bleeding out. I wish I had done more to help but all I did was just stand there. If I had been with him more asked if he was okay, if I had wondered why he always seemed tired, if I stopped for a second just took ten minutes out of my day to ask him why he always wore long sleeves this wouldn't have happened. But I didn't. And now I was here watching him die, and I wasn't doing anything. Questions filled my head. "Was he okay? Would he live? Why did he do it?" If I could die now to save him I would. IF I WASN'T SO STUPID AND I ACTUALLY TRIED TO HELP MAYBE I COULD SAVE HIM. I lost consciousness over what I was doing and just followed Corin who led me outside. We sat together on the floor. I could tell he was crying but he acted as if he was fine and calmed me down instead.

"Are you okay?"

My body felt numb. All I could do was cry. I tried to hold back my tears only causing more tears to come. I clung on to Corin as overwhelming guilt came over me. Was this because of me? Is there away I could've prevented it?

The way the story would've ended is Leo died, Kaiden and Leo commit $uic1de together, or they live happily ever after. Anyways there you go! I hope you have a nice day C: make sure to drink water and eat something. If you can try to do some homework but your mental and physical health is more important that grades. Have a lovey day!

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