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Idk if it would be head cannons but since I haven't put out a chapter in a bit here's some stuff about my characters :D

-Corin is the mom friend lol

-Kenji is insecure about his height and weight so he wears corsets and high heels/platform shoes sometimes

-Leo plays guitar

-Forest is a really good painter

-Cleme likes to draw

-Kenji has a dog

-Cleme writes either really bad or has fancy cursive handwriting

-Kenji poses for Forest when he is painting people

-Kenjis parents are doctors so he knows how to take care of sick/hurt people

-Leo is good with kids

-Cleme and Corin make food for homeless people

-Corin makes pumpkin pie a lot idk why

-When Kaiden came out as gay to Corin and Cleme they made sure to come to pride festivals with him

-Everyone calls Kaiden Kade

-Leo's full names is Leo Kit Gray

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