Brunnete Boy

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       -Third person POV-

The same giggles that formed when Leo had worn a skirt formed for when he did. Chandler cracking up hardest. But he and many others immediately stopped after they saw who walked behind the boy. Although the second boy who had walked in seemed more important. You could tell by the look on everyone face. But Leo hadn't noticed him the only person he saw was a beautiful boy. A brunnete boy with soft brown eyes. He had a small figure and seemed to be shorter than Kenji. He had pale skin and light pink lips. Freckles sprinkled his face unlike the bunch of freckles that covered Leo's. He had fluffy hair and a by the looks of it a very bubbly personality. Leo hadn't even noticed what he was wearing. The boy wore a white dress not like a wedding dress but it was lacey and if you looked close enough saw a flower pattern. Leo eyed the boy in awe.

"Leo I can practically see you drooling." Forest said from behind giggling with Kenji.

"Yes and I can see you drooling at Kenji don't even try me." Leo said grinning ears to ear. He watched as Forest hid his face in his hands and Kenji's became a bright red. Leo look backed to the front of the classroom laughing. The boy in the dress had sat down. Leo caught a glimpse of the second boy who wore a large white hoodie and black pleated skirt. Looking to his face it was someone Leo recognized but couldn't remember exactly. Then it hit him that was one of jocks. He wasn't as well known as some but he was definitely in that group. Leo thought for a second then feel dread inside realizing that the brunnete boy was probably dating the jock. It's not like Leo stood a chance. The brunnete boy probably had girls and boys all over him. Leo looked at the boy who whispered to the jock and two others. He saw Leo staring who quickly looked away in embarrassment.

"What's your phone number?" Kenji asked.

"Why?" Leo responded finally out of his embarrassed state.

"So I can text you later. But write it down cause I'm not going to remember." Leo ripped a page from his notebook and scribbled down his phone number in messy hand writing handing the paper to Kenji.

"You'll thank me later." Kenji said before getting up and walking towards the brunnete boy. He handed over the page saying who it was from. The boy looked over and smiled leaving Leo frozen before burying his face with the long sleeves of the hoodie he was wearing. He stayed in this position until Kenji hopped back into his seat.

"Kenji w-why?" Leo asked his voice cracking up as he felt tears threatening at his eyes wanting to be let out.

"Maybe it's for the better."

                  -Kaiden POV aka brunnete boy-
A boy only slightly taller than me walked up a large smile formed on his face. He handed a piece of slightly crumpled paper to me.

"From the blonde in the back." He said pointing to the back of the room, smile brighter than ever. I looked at the paper that had somehow gotten in my hand, a phone number, me and the boy now shared a grin. I looked back at the boy who sat in the back row. His face now a bright red, he tried to hide it covering his face in his large sweater. He had lots of freckles on his skin that is now pink but was pale. He had fluffy blonde hair that was glowing in the light even if it was dark I knew that he had a bright personality that would glow even at midnight. His evergreen eyes big and round. But of course I had recognized him as the boy that made me want to wear a dress. I grinned at him treasuring the piece of paper in my hand. I felt butterflies sore through my stomach I felt happy enough to dance around the room. I wished I could pause time to look at him just a little longer but even if I had that power I wouldn't have been able to before the teacher came in once again.

-Third Person-
Kaiden had been laying on his bed thinking wether to call Leo or text him maybe even a FaceTime? No that would be to much. The boy read out the phone number for the third time, and decided to text him.

Hi :)

Immediately after Kaiden had sent the message he regretted it, wondering if he said the wrong thing. Maybe he should have never texted and just had called he was better at talking rather than texting. The only people he could text without feeling weird after were his friends though he only had a few. Leaning back and forward in his chair Kaiden felt like smashing his phone or just dying as a whole. Not after to long his phone light up along with a buzz.

Hello! I liked your dress :)

Kaiden hadn't expected such a sudden approach but still sighed in relief now knowing that it was the boy rather than a prank and the Auburn haired boy giving him some random number. Carefully crafting the next text Kaiden finally responded with a text that shouldn't have taken him so long.

Thanks :D

Np what's your name btw?

Oh I'm Kaiden

That's a nice name :)

Kaiden couldn't stop his face from flushing into a bright red. He sat there filled with joy and didn't even bother texting back in his own world of happiness. Kaiden was new to the school and no one had really complimented him like that aside from his two friends that always hyped him up since he first got to the school. *bing* The noise startled him waking Kaiden up from his alternate reality. Looking once again at his phone he saw two new texts.

Sorry if that's weird

Im just stupid

Kaiden felt a pang of regret knowing him not texting back caused this possible new friend to feel bad.

No it's fine! I never caught your name either

It's Leo

Well Leo I'd consider us friends


Great :)

Would you like to go to the park with me and my friends tomorrow you can bring yours too!

Kaiden's heart stopped halfway through reading the message.

Yea sure what time?

Is 1 okay? I can pick up you and your friends if you would like


Kaiden immediately switched over to one of the only other contacts on his phone.

Corin I'm coming to your house right now

1132 words
Yes. YESSS. Sorry I haven't updated in a while I'll try to be more consistent!

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