For Me?

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          -Third Person-

After informing his parents where he was going Kaiden burst out the door and started to trudge down the street. It had snowed earlier that day and now it was coming down lightly. He had been rushing to Corins house but now slowed down to admire the leafless and snowy oak trees. Hearing footsteps Kaoden considered looking away but it was to late. There was a small crash and a whole lot of sorry's before the two realized who each other were.

"So we meet again." Leo said with a smirk.

Kaidens face flushed red the same way it did when leo asked him to go to the park. Leo seemed more confident then he was during class but Kaiden wasn't sure why.

"Oh h-hi!" Kaiden said in a shaky voice.

Kaiden stared into Leo's forest green eyes. He saw small flakes of gold and a dark black outline. He stared until small cold flakes fell from the sky once again. Snow started to form in the taller boys golden hair and on his green beanie that complimented his pretty eyes. Kaiden would gladly stare for the rest of the day.

"Well as much as I would like to stay and chat I've got to get going I'll text you when I get home though!" Leo said cheerfully.

"Yes, I mean I'll text you too bye!" Kaiden was able to blurt out before turning around and sprinting away.


A few minutes later Kaiden arrived in at his destination immediately trying the door wich was unlocked as always. He sped to the livingroom where he found Corin and Cleme whatching was it adventure time? Cleme looked calm as usual their green and red eyes intently whatching the movement on the screen. Corin on the other hand looked worried and was figeting with the laces of his hoodie. Kaiden walked farther into the room Cleme waved and Corin looked up.

"Kaiden where have you been? You took longer than normal."

"Sorry I ran into someone on the way." Kaiden said looking down at his feet.


"Your gonna meet him tomorrow, if you come that is." Kaiden muttered.

Cleme scribbled something on paper.


"Its this guy na-"

"Leo?" Corin cut Kaiden off.


"I knew it." Corin said punching the air.

"He wants me and you guys to come to the park with him and his friends."

"You like him?"

"NO." Kaiden denied.


"Please?" Kai said now begging.

Corin looked over at Cleme who shrugged their shoulders. Its funny how it seemed they could read each others minds. But Kaiden was fine with it. Cleme once again wrote on the piece of paper and held it up.

'I guess it's not mandatory then' Cleme smiled and Corin tried his best not to laugh.

"Cleme your savage!" Corin said now bursting out laughing.

"This isn't fair, your teaming up on me."

"Well your lying."

"I feel offended. Just please come with me or else I'm gonna seem friendless." Kaiden cried.

"Not until you admit it."

"I dont really know him, but maybe..." Kaiden trailed off.

"Kade were losing you again." Cleme waved their hand infront of my face.

Jumping back Kaiden said, "Sorry, sorry."

"Just please come with me?"

"I'm in." Corin looked back. "Cleme?"

"For me?" Kaiden asked.

'Fine :)'

597 words

Not even kidding Cleme is my favorite character even if their a side one. Sorry it's short. I'll post asap :D Also if you dodnt catch on Cleme dosent talk much. But when they write on paper it will have ' rather than "

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