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Louis was 13 when he met Harry for the first time.

His father had decided to bring Louis along when he made a trip over to the neighboring kingdom for what he strictly said was for "business purposes". He told Louis he was too young to understand the details and the reasons as to why. Frankly, Louis wasn't sure if he cared. He was just excited to leave the castle for a while.

As much as Louis loved his life in the castle, it was always bustling and a bit chaotic. His four younger sisters were always running around, stealing away his spotlight with their mischief. Sometimes, Louis just craved an adventure. The need to rebel was a desperate flame in him.

For his father to ask him to go with him was a pretty big deal to Louis, honestly. He and his alpha father have always gotten along well. They were similar in their personalities and interests, especially relating in their dominance. His father always told Louis he would be an alpha when he grew up. That was quite obvious, even at his young age.

But as dominating and alpha-like as Louis was, he had an incredible sweet side to him. Maybe it was his little sisters' fault for making his heart melt so damn easily but Louis also had an innocent face and a fluffy, caramel fringe. His ocean eyes were the reason he got away with most of his mischief. He just looked innocent. That's why, when threatened, he used his alpha voice to prove he had the upper hand in the situation.

For the last 13 years of his life, Louis had lived in the castle with his alpha father, his sweet gentle-spoken omega mother, and his four little sisters. Being the oldest and the future heir to the throne meant Louis had to be trained. His father would teach him basic things most days. Louis supposed trekking to another kingdom was one of them.

Although, as excited as he was, to say he was nervous about going to the other kingdom would be an understatement. They were on their horses with two guards following in their lead. Louis' favorite black horse, who had been stupidly named Midnight, trotted along obediently. But even Louis noticed the tension in his father. Their normally light, witty commentary was filled with stiff glances and silence.

Louis decided not to press the situation and was obedient in his actions, his manners the epitome of polite when they entered the main hall of the large castle.

The large room was dark except for the bright candles flickering on the side pillars that aligned the room. King Robin, a large man with a dark, clean cut beard and red and purple robes clinging to his frame, rose from his chair and walked towards them.

Louis watched with hesitant eyes as both kings exchanged tight nods. A strike of fear bolted down Louis' spine when the smell of alpha penetrated his nose. He could smell the dominance in both kings. He shivered in slight horror.

Then, King Robin broke Louis out of his trance when he looked directly at him, his dark eyes narrowing at the nervous boy.

"My son will be here shortly," King Robin told him stiffly before looking back to his father.

Louis paused and wondered what that meant exactly. Who was his son? How old was he? How does that affect anything at all?

Both kings then moved to sit at a polished round table in a small sitting room just off a hallway from the main entrance hall. Louis stood by his father's right side. His veins were hot with nerves. The dark, candlelit room reflected both of the kings' tense faces, when the sudden creaking of a door broke the silence.

That's when he first laid eyes on Harry.

Ten-year-old Harry walked into the room with a timid look on his pale face. He shyly muttered an apology to his father for being late, kissed his bearded cheek, and took a spot next to his father and across from Louis.

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