"You like it, baby?"

He immediately turned around after hearing Jungkook's voice and the glow, oh the glow and happiness Jungkook saw on his face, he promised himself that he would do everything to make his angel this happy and glowing. He couldn't help himself but leave a small peck on his lover's forehead. iIWhen he pulled away, he could see Taehyung's eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Kookiee...I-its so beautiful. T-thankyou so much", he heard his soft voice and then felt him kissing his nose. He chuckled at his baby's cute behaviour. 

Tucking some stray hair behind his ear, he spoke in the most gentle tone,

"I just want to see you happy angel. Compared to you, this is nothing. You deserve the world." He emphasised the word world by twirling the boy in his arms. He stopped when Taehyung began to speak, with a little, tiny pout on his lips.

"Don't say such things kookie, i am not so precious. But i really love this. Thankyou so much kookie."

Jungkook frowned a little upon hearing him. He tightly held him in his arms and whispered,

"No baby. For me, you are the most precious in this world and i will do everything in my will to give you whatever you want." He shushed him when he was opening his mouth to argue,

"Shh, we have the whole night to talk.  For now, let's get some food and then i have another surprise for you."

He chuckled when Taehyung's eyes twinkled upon hearing that he was going to get another surprise from him. 

Jungkook held his hand and they seated themselves on the table. He had already given his order when he was booking the reservation, so as soon as they got seated, a waiter came with their dinner. 

Again Jungkook's heart skipped a beat when Taehyung looked so cute, gaping at the beautiful dishes which were brought to their table. He started eating just after the waiter left.

Everything tasted so amazing that he just kept eating and the fact that they ate only instant ramen for lunch because they were so busy playing overwatch didn't help. He stopped only when he heard a chuckle from the boy opposite to him, he shyly lowered his head and slowed his eating, embarrassed that he was eating like a hungry man on their date.

"You know", he started, peeking up at the boy infront, "I always wanted to have a candle light dinner with someone." 

Jungkook spoke to the boy with a little twinkle in his eyes,

"Yeah? Then i am glad i chose this. And also," he leaned back on his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, "I think you should just be with me because if you want, we can go on a candle light dinner, like this, every night."

He smiled looking at the flustered face of the other who chose to not reply and continued eating. The rest of the dinner went in a peaceful state where both the boys ate and kept conversing from time to time.

After finishing the dinner, they went to their next destination where Taehyung's next surprise was waiting. 

When they reached, it was really a confusing surprise for Taehyung. Jungkook drove them to his own house (Jungkook's). 

Getting out of the car, he tugged at Jungkook's sleeve, who walked infront of him. He pointed to the front,

"Why are we here? We were supposed to stay at Jiminie's."

Jungkook smiled and the next moment, he was lifted up in the older's arms, in bridal style. He tightly held his neck when the other pecked his lips,

"You'll see"

They entered the house and Jungkook directly went to his room, towards the balcony and oh, when Taehyung saw what was there, his breadth hitched for the second time.

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