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Taehyung's pov~

Why is he being this way to me?
I never thought he is this scary.

I was scared shitless that I didn't reply him, just nodded my head.

"Good. Now, don't tell anyone about what I am going to tell you. Ok sweetheart?"

I nodded again. My eyes began to tingle on their own. He is too scary.

"Now i- Hey hey Hey don't cry baby"

I can't help it, my eyes started tearing up on their own. I hate when someone yells at me.

He wiped my tears with his thumb. I didn't look up at him. I can't.

"Shh... You don't have to cry. I won't beat you up"

He won't understand that it's not the reason I am crying.

"Hey look up"

He made me look up at him by pulling my chin with his index finger.

I don't know if I am dreaming, but it seems like he is a little sad?

"Don't cry yeah? I won't do anything
Until you make me"

He said. Softly but sternly as well.

"Now don't make this any harder. Just listen to me, like a good boy, will you baby?"

I nodded and he smiled.

"Now here, I will give you two options, and you have to choose one.

First. Breakup with woo and be with me" he said smiled inocently at me.

"You know this one quite easier then the next option, what do you say? Let's do this one and you don't have to go through the next one, hm?"

I Shaked my head which made the grip of his finger loosen.

He huffed as if controlling himself from bursting. He clicked his tongue and looked at me sternly.

I tried to step back but remembered that I am trapped between him and the wall.

"It's fine if you want to go with the second option you know"

He lifted his arms and fully trapped me.

Is he going to harrass me?

No I can't let that happen.

I tried to push him away but he was way too stronger than me.

At this point I couldn't control my sobs. I know I always cry, but I just can't control it's when this type of things happen.

"Tch tch, I told you, you don't have to cry.
Anyway, the second option is,"

He moved closer to me until we were just inches apart.

No no no, I won't let him kiss me, only wookie can kiss me not anyone else. He knows this but why is he still doing this. Does he not care about his brother?

I covered my mouth with both my hands. He just smirked at me, and next thing I know is he held my waist tightly with both his hands and hugged me.

Why is he so unpredictable?

"The next option is, don't do anything and I will do everything in my way" he said directly in my ear and bit my earlobe.

After that he released me and walked away. I was still standing there with my hand on my mouth thinking about what happened just minutes ago.

Once he was one to two meter away from me, he turned back and winked at me.

"I enjoyed the date. Hope we will have a second date soon"

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