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Third person pov~~

"Be with me"

Taehyung looked at him shocked .

"You must be kidding right" he asked , face still full of horror.

While jungkook just kept staring at him with his arms crossed.

"I am not joking. Break up with him and be with me"

Now Taehyung got angry.

What the hell. Who is he to say that?
He thought.

"I love him okay? I won't ever leave him"

"You know he is cheating on you yet you are with him"

"He isn't cheating on me"

"Yeah?" Jungkook scoffed. "Then what is that, is he, like, having you as his permanent one while also sleeping with other people?"

Taehyung was not someone who could fight. So he just took his money out, put them on the table and walked away as fast as he could.

Stupid boy. Is this the reason he wanted to have a coffee. To humiliate me and try to hit on me?

He walked so fast with loud thoughts in his mind that he didn't notice jungkook coming towards him. He pulled him by his wrists and dragged him towards the alleyway.

"Hey!! Let go"

Taehyung screamed at the top of his voice.

But jungkook kept on walking until he reached a shaded area with large buildings on both sides.

He pushed him towards a wall and leaned on him.

He banged his hand on the wall , on both sides of his head

Taehyung was scared to death at this point.

Jungkook was just staring at teahyung with a blankface but slight anger evident in his eyes.

"Never go away without answering me , understand?"

No response.

"I said do you UNDERSTAND?"
he snapped at the poor Taehyung who was slightly shaking with fear.

He just nodded his head up and down.

"Good. Now, don't tell anyone about what I am going to tell you. Ok sweetheart?"

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