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Taehyung's pov~

"I a-am sorry wookie, please forgive me this time. I was a bit busy with my school works and couldn't make it on time, i am sorry", I said, pleading him to forgive me for the nth time.

When i reached here, wookie was furious. He didn't even look at me first, but i managed to make him talk to me. He is just too angry at me. I didn't mention about Jungkook because i don't know how he'd react, it's better if i tell him about him later.

"Seriously? I wasted my one hour waiting for you and you were busy doing some dumb school works.", He snorted. "Oh well, i forgot that you are just a mere kid who can't even satisfy his boyfriend".

That hurts. Why does he bring that topic everywhere?  But nonetheless, he isn't wrong.

"I am sorry wookie, i promise i won't do that again, please forgive me", I just hope he forgives me, i don't like when he's mad at me, he does stuff when he's mad and i don't like it.

He sighed and unbuttoned his shirt. He must be tired. He is still in his jeans which i think he wore to college.

I really feel bad for him. He said to me that he usually doesn't come back home early, but he came so early for me today, for our date, and i ruined it. But Jungkook has the bigger part in it. Oh Jungkook, since he had calmed a little, i think i should tell him about Jungkook.


No reply. Well its not new, he rarely replies me when i call just his name.

"Is Jungkook home?", i need to make sure or else Jungkook will hear.

Wookie paused and looked at me, more like glared?

"And why do you want to know that?"

"Actually i want to talk to you about him."

"What? Did you two make out? Or worse, did you let him fuck you but you didn't let me?"

What? How can he say or even think that? I never did and will never do anything with anyone who is not him. Its him who does stuff with others. And he thinks that i will cheat him with his own brother.

"How can you say that wookie? You know that i will never cheat you."

He scoffed. He really just scoffed at my words?

He bend towards me as i was sitting on his bed and became eye level with me.

"Oh baby, you go to school which literally takes one and half hour to reach form my college if we walk. How am i supposed to know whether you are in your school, making out with some guy or getting fuc--"

And a loud sound was heard.


What sound was that? Can you guess?😶

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