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"Hey Yoongi"

Jimin greeted Yoongi as he hesitantly sat on the edge of the bed. Yoongi just stared at him. 

His head was full with different thoughts as he stared at the other boy. The way they would bicker at every chance they get, the way the other would be angry when he was teased about his height, the way his cheeks bloom whenever someone compliments him but he tries to hide it with a sassy reply, the way his eyes would turn crescent whenever he would laugh. In short, Yoongi could write a whole essay about the other boy, his first love. 

He never thought that the boy, whom he saw throwing a punch at the biggest bully of the school on his first day, would become such an important part of his life. 

His train of thoughts was broken when the younger poked his shoulder. 

"You okay?" He heard Jimin say.

He gave him a tight lipped smile, replying

"I am fine"

Jimin pov~

I know you're not. I can see the way you reacted when Hoseok hyung stated that we were dating. I don't know what meaning i am supposed to bring out by your reaction. You seemed sad? Hurt?You were anything but happy. 

Won't you tell me why you reacted like that? You were not supposed to be sad or hurt. You were supposed to be happy. I was supposed to be happy.

Third person pov~

Flashback to last night~

Hoseok leaned in until there was only an inch between their lips. He waited looking at the other's eyes, silently asking for permission. While Jimin was having an internal battle. He wanted the kiss but he felt as if he would not be loyal to his own feelings for someone else. 

His eyes watered thinking about his one-sided love he had been harbouring for his friend since one year.  But the latter never showed any sign of interest towards him. Hell he even confessed that he liked him, the other replied, but it wasn't the type of reply he wanted. The other said that he liked him too, in the bro type of way. 

Jimin didn't know if the other really didn't understand or was just trying to push him away  without hurting him by playing dumb.

Either way, Jimin was tired. He was really tired and wants to move on from his one-sided love. And this would be the best way right?

He slowly nodded his head. And then he could feel soft pair of lips on his own kissing him gently. He could also feel his tears being wiped by the gentle caress of the other's thumb. 

As he kissed him back, he could feel a little tingly on his stomach. He could say that he enjoyed the kiss.

After what felt like eternity, both of them pulled away. Hoseok rested his forehead on the younger guy's and breathlessly said

"Jimin, i like you"

Jimin stared at the other with wide eyes, still panting heavily, unable to speak.

"Do you like me too?"

And maybe Jimin did. He can't deny that he liked the other. Maybe didn't love the way he does his best friend but still, he likes Hoseok.

And someday, this liking can develop into loving as well, right? So he took a very big step.

"I like you too hyung. Will you be my boyfriend?"

Flashback ends~

There was a tension in the air as the two boys stared at eachother, not knowing what to say or do.

But Yoongi decided to speak his mind

"Since when did you started  having feelings for Hoseok?"

Jimin could say that he expected this question. So he gave his confident answer.

"I don't know. But when he confessed to me last night, i knew that i liked him too"

There were many other things Yoongi wanted to say but he can't be selfish. 

He said that he likes him. Why would you want to ruin his happiness by confessing to him now? You had plenty of chances but you never used them. Let him be happy.

"I am happy for you Jimin" 

Jimin gave a very big smile, thanked him and went to his room saying that he forgot something. 

He had to. To hide the tears of his heartbreak that were threatening to fall.


Its been almost a month since i've updated. Sorry for that yeah? From now on i will update weekly, i think. Because you know studies and stuff.

But did you enjoy this angsty chapter? Both Jimin and Yoongi like eachother, but are unaware of eachother's feelings. But don't worry, there's gonna be a happy ending.

Love you all~

(Btw can you guys suggest me any taekook twins story. I mean where there is a twin brother of Jungkook. I really like twin jungkook stories     o(〃^▽^〃)o  )

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