𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. these violent delights

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❛ ── chapter eight


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          𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐇𝐄𝐎 𝐘𝐄-𝐑𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓, it was an unspoken rule the people in high society knew of. That the daughter of the Heo's was a violin prodigy, and going up against her would be your biggest mistake.

Hence why, it didn't come to a surprise when her name was written on the top of the list. And once again, the young girl proved herself unbeatable.

The thundering downpour rapidly tapped against the window glass, eager and persistent to pass through the barrier. From the inside, the loud running noise had been drowned out and only left a translucent buzz.

Ye-Rin liked the rain, quite frankly she preferred gloomy weather over sunny ones any day. But the monster of a weather like this didn't always quite sit well with her, it was too heavy and constricting for her thoughts to run. Especially after the storm, oh did she hate those the most. It was always humid and the air around them would grow thick, making it difficult for her to breathe.

But regardless of the weather that day, Ye-Rin gave into her friend's persuasions and tagged along.

Seok-Hoon was completely against the idea of his girlfriend coming along, because in no way did he want her to witness what they were going to do. But patient and kind-hearted Ye-Rin had completely snapped, and Min Seol-A was the trigger. Completely souring her joyous mood.

She'd never felt any dumber in her life, their 'tutor' had them completely fooled and in no way did the girl want to be reminded of it. And to such lengths, she couldn't fathom being in the same school as her, yet alone same class.

So there Ye-Rin stood, next to Seok-Hoon and behind the rest of her friends.

" Stay still if you don't want to get yourself in a mess. " Seok-Kyung threatened, her phone's flashlight as well as Eun-Byeol and Jenny's completely straining the fraud's vision.

" How can you be so confident even after what you've done? " Jenny followed up next.

" Are you really the same age as us? " Eun-Byeol asked, partly-rhetorical and partly in disbelief.

She slightly grimaced at the last statement, if Seok-Kyung hadn't caught a glimpse of her at today's test site, Anna Lee would've remained Anna Lee and Min Seol-A would've remained a mystery to them.

But she was simply a matter of wrong place at the wrong time, her cover would've been blown any sooner or later, hence she was just unlucky that it was the former.

" You took the GED, and you live in Bosok Village? " Ye-Rin recited from what she was told through the group chat. There was a gap between Seok-Kyung and Jenny, allowing Seol-A to come face to face with her, and vice-versa.

" On top of that, she's an orphan. "

The three girls put away their flashlights as Min-Hyuk held the victim down by resting his arm on her shoulders.

Anna── or as they knew of know, Min Seol-A, avoided meeting the eyes of any six of the kids before her as she meekly apologized. " I'm sorry, I'd like to apologize from the bottom of my heart. "

Ye-Rin couldn't help but cringe. The girl had dealt with awkward love confessions, unfunny jokes, and over egotistical, self-absorbed people but never in her precious years of life had she seen or heard such a distant and unmeaningful apology.

" You're sorry? You totally had us fooled. Do you think an apology will cut it? " Eun-Byeol took the words out of her mouth, maybe it wasn't what she wanted to convey, but nonetheless the moral behind it was still the same.

Seok-Hoon took a step forward and hooked his arm around her shoulders, it mimicked what Min-Hyuk did to Seol-A, only it was an act of care and protection. He gently rubbed circles with his thumb on her shoulder as he pulled her closer.

It was only when her name was used, the girl was brought back to the current situation. " You even tried to steal Seok-Kyung and Ye-Rin's things, you're a thief and a con artist. " Jenny pushed her head using a finger.

Ye-Rin tensed as she recalled what happened as the boy beside her pulled her closer noticing her sudden discomfort.

" I can't believe she got accepted at Cheong-Ah arts high school as the top student, she's such low class. " No one bothered to make any comment as Jenny poked her again. " You darn brat. "

There wasn't any cooling off time for Seol-A, as immediately, Seok-Kyung advanced to her and grabbed a clump of her hair, tugging at it forcing eye contact.

" Here's what you need to know, you don't deserve to go to school with us. And of course, your admission as the top student at Cheong-Ah art high school will get cancelled. " She let go, her voice obviously on the brink of exploding in anger.

" You committed fraud to make money. Do you really think the school will accept someone like you? You really need to get to your senses. " Jenny chuckled.

Min Seol-A pushed Min-Hyuk's arm away with little to no effort as her eyes remained locked on Jenny's. " You're right. I took the GED, I'm poor, and I live in Bosok Village. I never got a chance to go to school properly, and I couldn't even dream of receiving any singing lessons. I was always busy working part-time jobs. But what about that? You guys lost to someone so insignificant. "

Ye-Rin was about to sympathize with their 'tutor' seeing as she too once came from a similar background as her, but it disappeared as quick as it came.

" Be honest with me. Are you upset that an orphan taught you? Or are you upset that I beat you guys? "

And that was all it took, all it took for Ye-Rin to push through the crowd and give her one tight slap.


ye-rin snapped. also heyy i'm back :D short chapter because there may or may not be a double update coming. . . please vote !

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