𝐬𝐢𝐱. and the thief forgiver

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❛ ── chapter six


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          𝐘𝐄-𝐑𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐊-𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍, she was sure that their tutor had took her medication and was almost fuming. Now, Ye-Rin wasn't the type to get mad── in fact, only a small handful of people had seen her angry before, but she wouldn't have patience and apologies for a thief.

" You are a thief, you took my keyring and snacks. " She heard Seok-Kyung shout as she rounded the corner and her, Anna, and Mrs. Shim Su-Ryeon came into view. Their tutors things were scattered all over the ground as Ye-Rin desperately tried to find her medicine in the pile, spotting it, she crouched down just as Su-Ryeon bent down to help pick her things up.

" What's this? " The youngest asked as she stood back up, her pill bottle now back in her hands. The tutor froze as the pills she had tried to steal were now exposed, the mother of the twins took a closer look before her eyes widened.

" Wow, " Seok-Kyung scoffed as her twin brother now reunited with them. " Not only did you try stealing something from me, you tried stealing Ye-Rin's pills too. " She shouted madly, but Anna refused to make eye contact with either of them as Su-Ryeon continued picking up her things.

" Don't let it bother you, " the mother told the outsider in a kind tone. " I'll make sure I scold those kids, " Ye-Rin's eyes widened in disbelief. Not only did she ignore the fact that she had actually stolen her possession but now she was taking side with her over her own child.

Ye-Rin laced her hand with Seok-Hoon's as she tried calming herself down, she gritted her teeth in hopes to not lash out.

" Mom, whose side are you taking? " Seok-Kyung asked, but it had been obvious which side she's chosen. " Are you seriously taking her side even though you're my mom? "

" Seok-Kyung! " A voice exclaimed from the front door, they turned around to see the twin's father walk in. Now it was Seok-Hoon's turn to squeeze her hand, " how dare you talk to your mother that way! " Joo Dan-Tae scolded his daughter.

" The tutor stole something from me, but Mom keeps taking her side. " The twin explained, mustering up the best pity voice she could.

" I didn't do it, I really didn't steal her keyring. " Anna pleaded to the man. " Why would I steal something? " She tried to reason with him but all she got was him scanning her up and down before responding.

" I can easily tell why. " His words were direct and firm, just then Ye-Rin cut into the conversation wanting to solve her mystery.

" Then what about my pills? " She asked harshly and everyone turned their attention to her.

" Pills? " Joo Dan-Tae questioned.

" My anti-anxiety meds, these pills were on Seok-Kyung's table and were gone when I checked after class. " Ye-Rin told them.

" Maybe you just misplaced them in her bag, " the mother spoke. Oh how badly she wanted to knock some sense into her but clenched Seok-Hoon's hand tighter to restrain herself.

" These pills are from Italy, father went through a lot to get these for me since they aren't even out in the market yet. I don't think I'd misplace such important things so carelessly, " she explained. " The only plausible answer here is that the tutor stole them because Seok-Hoon and Seok-Kyung knows how dangerous it'll be if I lost them. "

Giving up, Anna dropped to her knees in front of her.

" I'm sorry, I thought they weren't that important and that you guys wouldn't know if I took them. I apologize, I didn't realize I was putting you in danger. " She pleaded, she had actually wanted to use those med to attempt to treat her dog seeing as she couldn't afford the treatment, or at least sell it for some money.

" Ms. Tutor, you can be charged with felony because of this, you'll most likely serve up to three years of prison or suffer a fine of 10,000 US dollars if I decide to press charges against you. " Ye-Rin warned the girl.

" I think you should leave, " Joo Dan-Tae advised the tutor. " This is between us, we'll deal with you later. " With that, Anna barged out the door.

          𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐃𝐔𝐕𝐄𝐓 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑, making sure she was tucked in and comfortable. The two had went back to her home and Seok-Hoon insisted on her getting some rest promising to take care of everything as well as inform her parents about it.

" I'm not a child you know, " Ye-Rin yawned as her eyes grew droopy. He chuckled at the sight of her, not a child but as cute as one surely.

" No you're not, " he agreed. " You're my girlfriend and the love of my life, and as your boyfriend, I feel obligated to take care of you. " Seok-Hoon muttered as he pressed a kiss on her forehead before she hummed in agreement and dozed off completely.

The boy stayed for a few minutes before he quietly made his way out of her room and her house, Seok-Kyung was already dealing with their tutor── in her way of doing things at least. And now it was his turn to settle things with his mother.

The elevator came to a halt as the steel doors smoothly slid open, Seok-Hoon made his way over towards the study room to see that his twin had got to her first. He stood there in silence and a stoic expression as he witnessed the argument between them, only making eye contact with his sister as she walked out the door.

" Seok-Hoon, " he heard his mother call out but already sick enough of her, he ignored her and followed after his twin. Or at least attempted to when a hand grasped onto his arm preventing his from leaving. " Let me explain, " Su-Ryeon pleaded realizing he too had heard their conversation earlier.

" From now on, don't interfere with our lives. That includes Ye-Rin too, I wouldn't want her near a thief forgiver. " He broke free from her grip and walked off, closing the door behind him leaving the twin's mother in tears.


finally finished this chapter, i was procrastinating on the last part. this chapter wasn't really much considering how horribly i wrote the arguing part but oh well, it's fine. please vote !

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