~{PART 22}~

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Before we get into it just want to say THANK YOU for over 1k reads means alot, I haven't actually seen how many reads it had till now so thank you everyone!


I woke up a bit panicked at first forgetting I'm at liz and Brie apartment (it's technically a hotel room but I couldn't be bothered to write that) then I felt someone next to me I look over to see liz smiling at me "Hey harper" "hello" "Ok you best go get in the shower? Do you need help with anything?" "Maybe just show me how shower works please" she nods her head then comes into the bathroom with me and helps with the shower. "Ok so use my shampoo and conditioner then my shower gel, here is a spare face cloth and towel. When your done and dressed call me and I can help with your hair as scarlett told me you need help" "Yes please" "alright kiddo here are your clothes then I believe Brie is making breakfast at the minute so don't keep her waiting" she laughs and I laugh with her.

I start washing my hair and cleaning it then wash my face then my body. Once I'm finished I get out and dry myself off and then get changed into. (The shoes are gonna be grey and white imagine them how you like)

"LIZZIE" she opens the door "you all changed" "Yeah" "alright let's dry then just suggest leaving your hair down" I nod my head in agreement then she gets to work

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"LIZZIE" she opens the door "you all changed" "Yeah" "alright let's dry then just suggest leaving your hair down" I nod my head in agreement then she gets to work. She grabs the hair dryer and starts to dry my hair then brushed it "alright let's go" we walk out the bathroom and see Brie "Hey brie" "Harper, good morning" the time right now is half 4 "what time are we meeting everyone?" I question "Well we are meeting scar, Kelly, Robert, Tom and Chris e at 8" I nod my head "what about the others?" I say with my mouthful of pancake and chocolate syrup "Ginger and her family, Chris h, Tom hi, Mark and Jeremy are getting on at 9" "ok" once I finish eating its 5 so we have an hour till we are going to leave. "Alright I'm gonna get in the shower" liz announces, me and Brie reply with 'ok' "so Harper how are you feeling?" "I'm nervous but really excited! Did liz tell you what happened yesterday?" She shakes her head "I called scarlett mum" Brie looks at me with a big smile "aw you did?" I nod she comes over and hugs me big "I'm sure she appreciated that" "Yeah she sounded very happy" she pulls away and I go into the room I stayed in and grabbed my bag. A few mins later lizzie comes out, "alright we are all freshened up now the time is nearly 6 so we all get our shoes on and turn of all sockets and light. We grab our bags and head out, Brie has the keys so she locks up then we go down elevator and Brie hands in the key to their room "thank you" "no problem". "Alright team so the driver should be outside we will all get in back and we are just going to warn you about the paps" I nod my head a bit worried. We get in and liz hands me sunglasses "you will need these" I take them and Brie starts to talk. "Ok so basically when we get to the airport the paparazzi may be there now they might have no clue who you are or they will so as soon as you get there we will find scar and your mum and you will walk into the airport standing in between liz and scar, make sure to wear the sunglasses at all times because the flashes can be bright, keep your head down and most importantly DO NOT answer questions."Brie tells me I nod my head kind of forgetting how famous they actually were, "Oh and Brie will be behind you so no one can get to you" we arrive at the airport and I see mum and scar, I put on my sunglasses as does liz and Brie "Ok you can get out just be careful" I nod my head and get out as does liz and Brie "we will get your bag you go to scar" I make my way over to scar "HARPER" "SCAR, MUM" I jump and scar catches me "Hey sweetie" I hug scar tight and she puts me down and I hug my mum "hey" liz and Brie come and hug mum and scar "alright take your bag" I grab my bag. "Ok stand in between us" I do as told and scar puts an arm around my shoulder protecting me as does liz. "Where are the boys?" "Should be already here" I nod my head and next thing we know is a bunch of people running over to us with big cameras "Harper keep your head down" I out my head diwn and we start walking and I start to hear my name being called "Harper, Harper over here" we get I and security come over finally and the paparazzi step back we get in the building and the boys were standing there. We all say hello when someone taps my shoulder "excuse me harper" I see a little girl around 5 maybe 6 standing there "can I have a photo with you please?" I look over and see them all busy talking so I decide it will be ok I go down to the girls height and pull her in for a hug and smile "thank you so much can you sign my hat?" Her hat was of marvel "of course" the mum hands me a pen and I sign her hat I hug the girl once more "what's your name kid?" "My name is Ellie" "Nice to meet you Ellie, I best get going nice meeting you" she waves bye as do I. I look over and see the cast looking at me "your too cute" I go in between scar and liz and we go through security. We were now waiting for the plane to be ready and its a private plane from Robert, we were all sat down waiting and 2 kids come over "omg your Harper" "Hey, it is I" they ask for a photo which I decide it's ok "what's your guys names?" "My name is Lewis and my younger sister zoe" "aw Nice to meet you guys" "you 2 want a photo with us?" "Nah just Harper she is my idol" zoe says "no thanks" I laugh at their response. We hear our plane ready so I say bye and we go make our way to our plane.

We make it in and it's amazing

"Woah" "it looks so cool in here" I go and make myself comfy on the sofa and liz and Brie joined me I got out my ipad and went on procreate and started to draw

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"Woah" "it looks so cool in here" I go and make myself comfy on the sofa and liz and Brie joined me I got out my ipad and went on procreate and started to draw. (Creds to whoeber actually drew this)

"Wow harp that's amazing" "thanks brie" eventually the plane started to go and we were all settled for an 8 hour flight

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"Wow harp that's amazing" "thanks brie" eventually the plane started to go and we were all settled for an 8 hour flight.

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