~{PART 6}~

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We hear commotion going on by the cafeteria area so Chris h goes to check it out and a few minutes later Harper and Ginger coming back, Harper next to scar then Ginger next to Harper. A few minutes go by and we are all still in a comfortable silence when Chris comes back, "All sorted, you alright Harper? You look like your in another world." He laughs but we only get silence back, we look at Harper and she is completely zoned out, Ginger gives her a nudge nothing, again and a bit harder still nothing, scarlett waves in her face and says "Harper? Harp?"She snaps out of it. "H-huh w-what" "you were zoned out for ages Harp" Scarlett replies. "Oh yeah I do that alot when I have alot on my mind so what were we talking about?" "Nothing really, so what do you have next?" Brie asks, "Oh um last lesson is....ooh yay art!" "Oh so your an artist?" Tom hi asks "yeah I love art anyone got art with me?" "I do" "same" both Robert and scarlett reply.


After we finished lunch the bell rang signalling it was time for last lesson so Robert, Harper and I make our way to art, which is clear Harper enjoys, I seriously don't know what it is but ever since I met this girl I have had this voice in my head telling me to protect her and keep her safe so that is what I am doing. Whilst walking I notice Harper tense up a bit so I move her in between me and Robert and I put my arm around her shoulder, Robert notices this and signals to my phone so I mime him once in class.

We finally make it to our class and sit down me Harper and Robert are on a table together with no one else, I make sure Harper is OK before checking my phone.

Robert 🤖

I see you really like that
Kid don't you 🥰

Yeah I don't know what is it
It was like a connection when
We first met
Read at 02:26

Robert looks up at me and smiles, "ask her" he says without words coming out. He is talking about after Harper lunged into me after being punched in the stomach, I told him I wanted to see what her life was like outside of school. After Robert says that I decide to turn my attention to Harper who was drawing and OH MY GOD "OMG Harper that's amazing!" Harper looks up at me and smiles "thx I thought I could try and draw you guys." "Wow Harper you even drew Scarlett's cheek bones" I look up at him and slap his arm playfully. Harper starts laughing and her laugh is the cutest thing ever.


"Hey Harper" I turn to look at the voice and see Scarlett talking, "What are you doing after school?" "Um well wait for my mum to get me then probably go home and draw or do something with my mum, why?" "Oh I was just wondering if I could hang out with you guys" My jaw dropped and I think she noticed I was shocked by her question because I felt her finger under my chin closing my mouth "May wanna close this before a fly decides to go in" She says whilst laughing I laugh with her. "Yeah, um yeah you can hang out with us my mum is getting me as soon as school finishes so I will text you address or do you wanna lift?" I ask. "Oh no don't worry my car is outside what's your number?" "Um my number is (random phone number)" "thanks Harp what time do you want me over?" "Come around at half 4 maybe I will tell my mum that we have a guest she won't mind" as I'm talking my phone dings and says unknown number

Unknown number

Hello Harp it's Scar Jo
Read at 14:45

"Ok here is my address (random London address)" "Ok I will be round at half 4 then" She puts her arm around my shoulder and I kind of lean into her embrace for some reason. I see Robert looking at us and he looks at us with a face like this '🥺' and that made me smile. I look up at scar and she looks down at me and smiles.

(End of the day)
Scar, Robert and I walk out of art and no one teases me which I was happy for and Robert went to go find the others and scar stays with me. "I will stay until your mum gets here then I will leave ok" "sounds good to me" we talk about all sorts until I see my mums car ⬇️

 "I will stay until your mum gets here then I will leave ok" "sounds good to me" we talk about all sorts until I see my mums car ⬇️

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"Oh that's my mum see you later scar" "bye Harp" I get in the car to head home.

Part 6 is done hope you are enjoying it so far 🙂😀

orry for the multiple mistakes I hope I got some updated I was writing this before bed but part 7 will be up soon

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