Chapter 1 || Scotland

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Your POV

Music is pumping, alcohol is being chugged, girls are dancing, lights are blaring. I let my body move to the beat while finishing my drink. A slim arm wraps around my waist, pulling me in close. I smile down at the woman looking up at me.

"You look ravishing tonight Elizabeth."

"As do you Kennedy."

I lean down to press my lips against hers, grinning into her perfect lips. When we part, I lead us to the bar, watching the party-goers continue their charades before I call over the bartender for a refill on our drinks.

"Who knew Scotland could party this hard," I chuckle while watching girls grinding against men they probably just met.

The red head beside me giggles while taking a sip of our new drinks, "definitely really gives your brother a run for his money, huh?"

Thinking back to Tony's parties always makes me smile, he does know how to throw a good party but it's nothing near to the ones here. Whether we are at a club or not.

Stealing a look at Wanda, I can only smile in admiration. We've been in Scotland the past few months. Before that was London, before that was Italy, before that was Spain. The past two years have been long. Definitely not easy staying away from the others and most definitely not easy keeping up with our fake names Natasha gave us, but it's what we have to do.

Despite the running every time a police officer shows up or hiding from any sign of government agents, I would say that being on the run with Wanda has been worth it.

Different countries, new cities, new adventures.

Every now and then we would sneak visits with Nat, Steve and Sam, updating them on our travels. We would tell them if anything happened and they would tell us. As Nat said: "stay close, check in, don't take any chances."

Tony and I communicated as much as possible without detection. I had promised him I would come back to the compound tomorrow as the government believes I do not know of Wanda's whereabouts, they will let me return to the States. It's surprising how stupid governments could be. My thoughts are cut short when I feel her breath against my ear.

"Wanna get out of here?"

Raising an eyebrow at the red head, I smirk in response, placing my drink down before I hold my hand out to her.

"This way m'lady."

We walk hand in hand along the streets, calling over a cab to take us back to our flat. I kiss Wanda in the backseat of it, our lips meshing together. We've gotten good at keeping our powers under control. We can't risk anything out here. Last year in Italy we came across a little hiccup on our run. We were caught using our powers to stop a car crash and got chased by some agents. We didn't know who they were or where they came from, but they knew us for sure.

Took a little bit but Wanda and I took care of them. We got the two men to tell us who they worked for and when they said "Hydra" I couldn't help but freak out. One started saying the code words and I felt the soldier in me coming back but Wanda stopped it, wiped their minds and got us to a safer area. That was when our therapy started. She helped me rid myself of the soldier. We worked for hours every single day to rid the control those words had on me. I didn't want to at first, but she convinced me.

I hurt her during a session where I lost control but since she's Wanda and she's the strongest person I know, she was able to beat me. So I gained control of myself. Wanda did, too. Of her own powers. She learned some new tricks and has become more powerful than she was 2 years ago.

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