Time to Tell

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Dedicate To: Lyndsey my best friend whose always been there for me. Thank you.

" It's Pride Month Everyone! (At least at the time this is published). I would  like to do something special for pretty much my fist pride. (I'm part of the LGBTQPIA+ btw) also hope too spread a little awareness. These stories are inspired by coming out videos. Please don't sue me if these stories are similar or something! I swear it's  just a crazy coincidence!Any homophobic or transphobic or and phobic comments you will be blocked and deleted btw. If I happen to get something wrong please contact me. Thank you. Have a great day! Love is Love.

Mikey smiled down at the colorful cake he made. The young turtle loved experimenting in the kitchen, even if it's family doesn't find some of the creations it makes. But this time Mikey stuck to the instructions and made a (hopefully) tasty cake.

"I hope they'll take it well" Mikey thought nervously as finished spelling out the words on the top on the cake in frosting.

"I've been wanting too tell them for weeks. They'll be cool about it right? Right?" Mikey shivered at the thought of them yelling, hitting, punishing, or even getting kicked out for this.

"They wouldn't do that right? They'll love me either way. No matter what I'm still me. But it's a good thing I have a survival backpack ready just in case. Or maybe I'm just overreacting, but bad stuff  happens to people like me all the time. Oh man I hope they don't try to "fix" me. I don't need to be fixed."

Mikey's gaze looked out of the kitchen, then looked down at the cake. "I can do this."

Mikey picked up the platter that had the cake on it and walked out of the kitchen and towards the living room.

Leo, Donnie, and Raph were sitting watching t.v. "Hey guys! I-I made cake for us!" Mikey announced.

"Cool! I knew I smelled something good from the kitchen" Donnie said.

"Yeah, you didn't put any worms or hot sauce in this, right?" Leo asked.

"No, no I didn't" Mikey answered.

"That's a relief" Raph said.

Mikey walked right before them and placed the cake on the ground of where they were sitting.

All three of them got a good view of the top of the cake. Their facial expressions quickly changed.

"Wait... Mikey?" Donnie said, looked up to his younger sibling who was noticeably shaking.

"What does that say?" Leo asked still trying to figure out the handwriting.

Raph began to read it outloud, " I'm... -"

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