Chapter 2

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Authors note!! Sorry I haven't posted, I have had a lot of assessments and revision but I'm back to posting now!
Back to the chapter!

It has been 4 hours since you met Tom at the café and right now, Belle is taking a quick nap while you sit on sofa watching y/f/s (your favourite show). However, you had to pause it after 25 minutes because the sound of small feet running along the hallway. Not even a second later, you saw your beautiful little girls head poke around the door to see if you were there. You stretched your arms out towards her signalling for her to come cuddle.

Belle has only been snuggled up in your arms for ten minutes and she's already starting to become sleepy. 'Hey baby girl you can't go to sleep now' you say kissing her forehead. Her only response is nuzzling her face further into your chest.

A buzzing soon wakes Belle up from her slumber, and you soon realise it's Tom face timing you. Without hesitation, you answered and held your phone infront of both you and Belle so she could also talk to him. 'Tommy' Belle shouted as soon as his face popped onto the screen. 'Hey princess' Tom replied with as much enthusiasm as Belle had. 'Hi Tom, how are you?' 'Hey y/n! Yeah I'm really good thank you. How are you two doing?'

You, Belle and tom talked for over an hour, and Belle went off to play in her room around 5 minutes ago. However, she soon came back, but the Belle that came back wasn't her normal self. She had tears in her eyes, her nose was running and her lip was quivering. She ran into your arms and you held her tight until she calmed down.

Tom mouthed 'what's wrong?' But you just shrugged your shoulders and frowned.
'Baby girl what's wrong?' She lifted her head to look at you and her lip quivered even more. You shushed her and stroked her back until her breathing came down and she wasn't working herself up. 'I want my daddy.' To say you were shocked was an understatement. Tom's facial expression wasn't shock, however it was sympathetic.

'Baby you don't have a daddy remember? It's just you and me. That's how it always has been'
You said trying to help her understand, but it only made her cry more. 'Princess, you don't need a daddy. Boys are gross! You have mummy and trust me, you don't want a mummy and a daddy. You know why?' Belle shook her head at Tom. 'Because boys are loud and boring' that brought a giggle out of Belle.
'But you're not loud, boring or gross' Tom smiled at her and leaned in closer to the camera. 'Do you want to know why I'm not any of those things?' Belle nodded and smiled 'because I'm not a daddy yet and because i don't like being loud or boring' you smiled and looked at Tom and then at Belle. 'Mummy' Belle said in a cute voice that you've only heard when she wants something. 'Yes Belle?' 'Can Tom come over before my bed time and play and then read me a bed time story?' 'Umm' you looked at Tom with a questioning look. 'If Tom wants to?' Belle giggled and put her face in the camera 'please Tommy! Please come over' you couldn't help but laugh at belle begging for Tom to come over. 'Do you know what princess?' 'What?' Belle replied. 'That sounds like a lot of fun and I would love to come and play and read you a bedtime story when you go to bed but is mummy ok with that?' Belle looked at you with pleading hands and you laughed while nodding your head at Tom. 'Okay I will be there in 10 minutes, don't do anything fun without me!'

After Tom hung up, you sat Belle next to you on the sofa watching Ben and Holly while you tidied up a bit. It didn't take you long, maybe around 3 minutes but by the end of it, you walked back into the living room to find the tv still on but belle playing with her dolls. You leaned up against the door frame and just watched her play. You found it cute when she plays with her toys, especially her dolls as she always role plays with them and create little stories to make it more fun. However, this time the story was different. She started talking about how she wished she had a daddy and she hoped that her mummy would find someone that loves her. That wasn't even the most shocking part, she then started saying how much she liked Tom. You were glad that she trusts him and likes him but you were not ready for the next part she said. She told her dolls that she wanted Tom to be her daddy and love her like she was his daughter.

Tears welled up in your eyes, and you tried your hardest to not make a sound, but belle heard heard you sniffle. She hates it when you cry. She always says 'mummy you shouldn't cry, you're too pretty' you smiled at the thought. You were brought of your little trance when you felt tiny arms wrap around your neck and legs around your waist. You reached your hands around her tiny waist and brought her petit body closer to yours.

You didn't realise how long you were on the floor cuddled with belle for, until the door bell rang. Belle soon released from the hug and ran to the door. You didn't mind when she opened it because you knew who it was. Tom. You got yourself up from the floor and made your way to the front door.

When the door was in view, you awed at the sight. Belle was in Tom's arms, cuddled into his neck. You walked up to them and greeted Tom inside. By the time Tom sat down, belle was still in his arms but now sitting on his lap and looking at each other doing a staring competition. You left them to it and went to the kitchen to make you and Tom a cup of tea (I drink tea darling😂).

You heard fits of giggles coming from Tom and belle, and you know Tom blinked first and made belle think she had won. You couldn't stop the smile that crept it's way onto your face. I think I'm falling in love with Tom you thought.

The clicking from the kettle brought you back to reality, and you poured in the water to make your cuppa's (cup of tea). Once you finished stirring the teas, you took them into the living room, only to find Tom and belle laughing and playing around with her dolls again. They were making kissy noises and mimicking 2 people saying I love you. You couldn't help but laugh as you sat the cups down. 'Mummy come play with us!' 'Yeah mummy come play' you rolled your eyes at their behaviour but sat on the floor and played until it was belles bedtime.

You belle and Tom have been playing and messing around for 30 minutes now, and it is someone's bedtime. 'Belle it's bedtime now hunny' both belle and Tom whined but you didn't give in. 'Can da- tom tuck me in and read me a bed time story?' You smiled 'why don't you ask tom darling' belle looked at tom with puppy dog eyes. 'How can I resist those eyes and a cute little face' belle laughed and they ran upstairs like two animals.

hope you liked it!
Don't forget I take requests for upcoming chapters and smut chapters!
1305 words

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