Chapter 1 (when we met)

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You know when you're asleep but you are aware of your surroundings? Yes? Well that's what I feel right now! However, my half asleep/ awake moment was cut short when my beautiful baby girl Belle came into my room; hair messy all over the place, thumb in her mouth with her beautiful emerald green eyes just like her mummy's. I opened my arms ready for her to jump in them and have cuddles until we have to get up and get ready for her last day home with mummy. She seems excited to go to pre school and make friends, but a little after I tell her she seems to forget, so I won't tell her anything today as there really isn't any point. I mean who am I kidding? She's 3 of course she won't remember much. Anyway, I picked her up and layed her on my chest to see if she wants to sleep some more.

When I wake up for the second time today, I look over at the clock, 10:38 it read. Time to get up. I gently layed Belle next to me as I got up to get into the shower.
I wasn't even in the shower for 5 minutes and I heard Belle crying, but I didn't mind as I only wanted a quick one; just to wash my hair and body and that doesn't take long when you have kids. I got out and wrapped myself in a towel and headed back into the bedroom. When I entered, I saw Belle hugging her knees sobbing. 'Awe baby girl what's wrong?' She looked up at me and those piercing green eyes were replaced with bright red ones. 'Mummy weft me' she sobbed out. You were quickly at her side pulling her into your lap. You rubbed her back soothing her while whispering in her ear sweet nothings. You brought her head so it was level with yours and you kissed her forehead. 'Why did you think I left you my sweet girl?' 'Because daddy did so why wouldn't you?'
You looked into her eyes and shook your head 'I would never leave you, never ever. Even if daddy did leave us that doesn't mean I will too, okay?' 'Otay mummy' she smiled and you smiled back.

It was lunchtime now, and both me and Belle were sitting on the sofa watching Sofia the first. She looks up at me and says 'mummy can we go to the café pretty please?' She showed you her goofy smile and then her puppy eyes when you said nothing. You smiled back and couldn't resist but to say yes. She jumped up, got her favourite turtle cuddly teddy and was ready. I told her to wait for me to get my shoes and bag and then we would be on our way.

10 minutes later, we were out the door and halfway to the café. Belle was holding my hand, skipping down the path until we were infront of the small shop, as Belle sometimes calls it. The waiter told us to take a seat and will be with us shortly.

We weren't even sat down for 2 minutes before she comes to our table and takes our order. We were regulars here and I have never seen this waitress before, she must be new. She knew how to interact with young kids and be bubbly, she had it all. One hot chocolate and a small slice of Victoria sponge cake and another hot chocolate for me and a fudge tart (fudge tarts are amazing). After she placed our order on the table she smiled and told us that if there are any problems with our order then we should call her over. Obviously, we would never say if anything was wrong because there never is.

It didn't even take us 5 minutes to eat or cakes before we finished so we just sat there waiting for our hot chocolate to be drinkable. While we were waiting, a young man (very handsome may I add) and he looked very nervous for some reason I can't point out why. That was until he started talking 'hey um miss' I looked into his eyes for a split second before answering 'hey are you okay?' He looked at you with a puzzled expression before it clicked that he must of sounded weird or desperate for something. 'Oh sorry...' 'y/n' 'y/n I just wanted to say that I think you are just absolutely beautiful' your heart skipped a beat, you haven't been called beautiful since your ex three years ago but let's forget about him. You looked down at the table becoming shy and putting a piece of hair behind you ear. 'Thank you...' 'oh Tom.'
Now that you knew his name you really took in his features and realised that he definitely looked like a Tom. 'It means a lot to me, would you like to sit down?' He was smiling at Belle making her giggle. 'Are you sure I don't want to intrude?' You nodded. I mean come on he's lovely and polite and did I mention handsome but he is also great with kids. He sat down in between me and Belle and started making weird faces at Belle making laugh incredibly loud. There was an old couple sat next to you but not close enough to hear the conversation you had before. The old lady leaned over on her chair smiling at our table. 'Young love is incredible huh?' You looked over and was shocked that she must of thought you were a family. You turned towards Tom but soon turned back 'oh Um we aren't together' she smiled 'just because you aren't now doesn't mean you won't be in the future' with that, she winked and turned back to her husband.

You didn't realise how long you were staring at the floor until you heard your name being called. 'Y/n!' Your eyes met Tom's and he said 'your daughter is just like you' 'oh thank you, ive always been told Belle is my double' Tom smiled and started playing with her again.

You opened your phone and went onto Facebook to see if there was anything happening in the world until you heard something that made your head snap up.
'Daddy' Belle giggled. You don't know who is more shocked, you or Tom! 'Um baby girl Tom isn't your daddy' 'but mumma me don't have daddy me only have mummy' you looked over at tom to see a sad smile on his face. You decided to change the subject and talk to Belle later about it.

When you checked the time you were stunned to see it was now 3pm. Belle was nearly asleep in Tom's arms but he already told you he doesn't mind and how cute he thinks it is. You were nervous to ask Tom the question you wanted to ask as it seems weird but you know that if Belle is woken up or taken out of someone's arms when asleep she will throw a fit, she likes her beauty sleep.

'Um tom?' You asked slowly. 'Yes darling' 'do you think you could carry Belle back to mine? I know we just met but I trust you and also she will wake up if someone takes her out of another's arms' you rambled 'yes of course love I don't mind at all. Anything you need help with or if you need someone to do anything I'm right here' tears brimmed your eyes as he said that, as no one has ever said something so heart felt and kind; not even belles 'dad' (the ''"are there as you don't say he's her father instead you say she doesn't have one until someone you love and treats you well comes along).
🤍First chapter!!!🤍
Sorry if it's terrible this is my first time writing a story and thought it will help my improvement on story writing for when my exams are.✨
1360 words
I do take requests e.g. smut chapter ideas and fluff ideas (obviously have to go with the story

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