Chapter 11

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Monday, January 25

The soft knock on the door felt like it rumbled it's way through your entire body. Your stomach was stuck in knots as you shakily rose from the bed. As your hand landed on the door knob, you took an unsteady breath in and huffed out. When you swung the door open, the same blonde haired, blue eyed boy stood there. He wore a hoodie with what looked like gray pajama pants. He flashed a toothy smile. "You must really like my clothes huh?" He said as he walked past you, entering your dorm.

He took his shoes off and sat down on the palette, he sat criss cross with his legs. You held back a smile at how adorable he was. Your previous nerves were completely gone. It's like his presence is enough to make your anxiety completely dissipate. Maybe it was because you trusted Armin and you didn't trust most guys, or maybe it was because you liked him so much that the mere thought of him raised your anxiety and he was the drug that cured all of your anxiety.

Either way you found yourself shutting the door and sitting down next to him. He reached for the remote to turn on the TV and you just allowed him to do whatever. You didn't really care what he chose, you weren't going to pay attention anyways. As he flipped through the movies on the TV you stared at his side profile. His face was only lit up by the TV screen, and a small flickering light from the candle bounced against his soft skin. You sat there and admired his hair, his button nose, his perfect face. You didn't know how long you were staring when he finally spoke. "Ooh, I've been wanting to watch this one. Is that ok with you?" He asked, shifting his focus to you.

You just nodded at him with a soft smile. He turned it on and began to make himself more comfortable. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it across his legs and held it out to you. You took the blanket and shifted closer to him. You both laid back against the mountain of pillows that were against the bed. Your shoulders were touching and before you could move his hand found its way to your thigh. It wasn't your knee he was grabbing this time but it was the inside of your mid-thigh.

He used his hand to pull you closer to him and you shifted so that the arm that was holding your thigh was now in front of your shoulder, your face resting on his shoulder. He let his hand rest on the inside of both of your legs. You sat there in what was now a cuddling position. It left you speechless. There was no way you could tell him how you felt tonight. It felt too impossible.

As you laid there pressed up against him, your hand found its way up his arm. Running over his soft muscles that you could feel under his hoodie. You closed your eyes as your cheek laid on his shoulder. It felt so nice having him this close to you. It was intoxicating. Like you were indulging in something you shouldn't be.

His thumb began tracing small strokes on the inside of your thigh and you jumped at the contact. His head shot to you, and you popped your head up to look at him. Your faces were only inches apart. He was searching your face for any sign of hesitation. He slowly removed his hand from between your legs and shifted his weight toward you. "Was that too far?" He asked, under his breath. The look of embarrassment covered his face.

His voice cracked slightly and it made your stomach turn upside down. You placed your hand on his shoulder softly, "No, it's ok." You said as you looked down at the space between the two of you. Unable to converse about him stroking the inside of your thigh. The idea of talking about that made you ill. Your faces were still only inches apart. You slowly brought your head up to look at him in those perfect blue eyes. Inches turned to centimeters.

He let out a soft breath and when you looked back at him he was staring at your lips. Your eyes closed slowly, "Can I kiss you?" The words left your mouth without warning. You sat there for a second contemplating the words you had just spoken. No words left his mouth but instead he nodded. It wasn't long before you closed the gap. Your lips met his, working together at a slow rhythmic pace.

At first it was foreign, his soft lips working against yours. You could tell he either hasn't kissed someone in a long time, or not much at all. His lack of experience only made you heat up even more. Your fingers lightly brushed the bottom of his chin as you brought him closer, both of your bodies positioning themselves to be more comfortable. He ended up with his back against the pillows and you straddling his legs.

The position was enough to make you nervous, especially this being the first time you and Armin kissed. You sat against his upper thighs, nervous to sit anywhere near his core. His hands found their way to your hair, he softly ran his fingers through your scalp and you involuntarily ran your fingers over his chest.

Your touch was intoxicating for Armin. He sat there, his legs spread as you straddled him. His head was spinning at the fact that you were sitting on him right now, so close to his hardness. He wanted so bad to buck his hips into your core. To feel you from below. He wanted you so bad and he finally got what he'd been dreaming of for weeks. Ever since he saw you at the first frat party of the semester, he knew he liked you. He liked the way you looked in his clothes, the way you got embarrassed easily, and the way you were so kind to him.

Now you were helplessly working against his lips. Both of you letting out soft groans from the lack of oxygen. Both of your heads were spinning from pure lust and pent up feelings, although the feelings weren't mutually spoken. But they weren't necessarily implied either. For all you knew, Armin may just want to make you another one of his hook ups. And for all Armin knew, you just invited him over to hookup and it meant nothing more. Despite this mutual gut feeling, you both still engaged in each other's lips.

After playing with your hair, Armin's hands found their way down to your waist. He squeezed softly at the center of your waist, causing you to subconsciously shift your hips. This one shift caused you to now be sitting right on his core. His hardness was evident through his shorts. It didn't help that you both wore thin pajama-like shorts. You both pulled away from the heated makeout session. You rested your forehead against his as you both panted for air. Your hands remained on his chest while he laid his hands softly against your waist.

"I've been wanting to kiss you for a while now." Armin said, hands caressing your waist softly. You smiled at his words, "Same." You said. Your face was physically burning from being on top of him and his confession. So maybe the feelings were mutual. This was enough to make you burn even hotter under his touch.

"Sorry..." Armin said under his breath. A soft pink blush tinted his cheeks and nose. "For what?" You said, bringing your hands up to his shoulders. "For my..." He said, trailing off. You could feel his skin heat up from under his sweatshirt. You realized he was talking about his boner that was pressed up against your center. You snaked one hand around the back of his neck and pulled him into another kiss.

But as you kissed him you removed your leg from around him to avoid making him uncomfortable. You pulled away from the kiss and softly brushed your fingers over his cheeks that were burning red with lust and passion. You laid back against the pillows and motioned for him to follow you. As he did, you pulled him into your body, and his head rested against your chest. 

For the rest of the movie you both laid wrapped in each other's arms. 

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