Unfinish Business

Start from the beginning

“Continue with your report,” Gabriel said.

“Lucinda was told to stay in her house but when I checked on her, she was gone.” He didn’t mention Crimson Queen, Lucinda’s sword which he had expertly hid from the Holy Knights. As far as he was concerned, that sword had no business entering the conversation.  “I was attacked by vampires,” Michael continued. “I was able to find out that she had been kidnapped. On my way to find her, I ran into the Sheriff.” He hesitated. “I don’t trust him. He appears at the correct moment and disappears at others. He wasn’t part of the citizens tonight.”

Michael finished his tale and stayed silent. He was prepared for them to ask whether he checked the townsfolk for any signs of the evil transformation; he hadn’t checked but as he pulled them up one by one, that was enough for him to determine that they were still human. Before Michael could search for Lucinda, he had to make safe what was left of Kanya.

“What happened to the girl?” Gabriel asked. “Was she among the townsfolk?”

Michael swallowed. Lying to the superior Knight and Captain was a severe punishment. But he knew of no other way to explain Lucinda’s situation without rapid judgment from the three.

“No,” he finally said. “She wasn’t. I can only assume that she didn’t make it. I don’t know if her body was among the burned.”

“If she has joined the enemies rank,” Joseph said. His hand dropped to the dagger at his hip. “There is only one thing left for us to do.”

“Let’s move on to more pressing matter,” Gabriel said. He folded his hands on the table. “What we thought to be mere isolated attacks are in reality part of a bigger plan. There have been many towns, like this one, suffering from abductions by vampires. We have enough evidence to believe those fiends are creating an army. We don’t know how long they have been working for this but the Vatican doesn’t want to lose any more lives to them.”

“Why did the Church send three elites to this town?” Michael asked. “I would have thought they would have sent you to a more strategically located town.”

The three Holy Knights shared a glance.  “The Vatican believes the vampire in charge of this region is here,” Gabriel said. “We are to capture it and bring it before the Church for questioning.”

Daniel stepped away from his spot, squaring his shoulders. “Which means that you’re no longer needed,” he said. “By tomorrow, we ask you to pack your belongings and head back to the Church for further instructions.”

A rising panic crowded Michael’s throat. He couldn’t leave; not with Lucinda as a vampire. He was to blame for letting her become a monster.

Michael turned to each one of them. “Is there no way I can be of use?” he asked. “This was my mission and I want to see it through.”

Gabriel smiled at him sympathetically.

“You have failed once already,” Daniel said. There was warmth in his eyes but his tone remained stoic. “We can’t afford any more blunders. Your mistake has caused many people their lives. What you need to do is ask for forgiveness, if it is right that it should be granted to you.”

Michael was speechless. How could they simply come to town and proclaim themselves masters of Kanya? They didn’t know the people’s struggles like he did. Michael had been with them for almost every step of the way.

“Gabriel,” he said. “You can’t do this. I’ve been helping these people. I can’t abandon them; not after everything that I have done for them.”

“It isn’t up for debate,” Gabriel said coldly. “These are you orders. I suggest you follow them or join the bodies on the pyre.”

Michael reign in his anger. He had to think. He had to stay in town. There was so many things that he still needed to do; he had to find Lucinda and grant her salvation. He had to stop this vampire menace.

“I understand,” Michael said, “but I ask that you rethink your decision. I want to further investigate the Sherriff. I won’t stand in the way of your search for the vampire master. I just ask that justice be served to those who deserve it.”

Gabriel picked up his mug and took a sip of his tea. The silence stretched for a few minutes. Michael glanced repeatedly at Daniel and Joseph. The latter had started digging out the blood from underneath his fingertips with a knife.

 “Joseph,” Gabriel finally said. “Accompany Michael to the Sherriff’s home. Keep watch on the man.” He looked at Michael. “I’ll give you two days to find evidence that ties him to his involvement with the vampires,” he said. “Otherwise, you’ll be leaving this town.”

“Thank you,” Michael said. “I won’t disappoint you.”


That's it for now. I hope you enjoy the chapter. For those who have been patiently waiting and reading this story. Thanks so much. And if you really like it, don't forget to like or comment. Thanks.

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