I'm Testing Something

Start from the beginning

You breathed in the fresh air. Cold, slightly breezy, perfect autumn weather.

"I think we should consider it." Tom said from beside you. "Everyone else is fine, they don't suspect a thing." You turn to look at him.

"I don't like the idea of kissing you." You stuck your tongue out, making Tom frown.

"I'm not that bad looking, am I?"

"You know it's not that."

"Then what? It will definitely get him off your case."

"Because, Tom!"

"Your argument is outstanding." You shove his shoulder, making him laugh.

"You're like my brother." Tom's laughter subsided, and he stepped slightly closer to you.

"But I'm not." He said, and you noticed his eyes drift down to your mouth.

"We said no funny business. This counts as funny business."

"I would argue that funny business includes sex. A kiss isn't going to turn into funny business. And a kiss is likely to shut this dude's creepiness down, I guarantee it." You folded your arms as Tom rambled on.

"You also guaranteed that just bringing you here would stop that."

"And it did."

"Only while you're around me." You pointed out.

"Still better than if you came alone." You huffed, but you knew he was right. You both stood in silence, and you toed the ground while you thought.

"One kiss?" You finally said, making Tom's lips twitch as though he was about to smile.

"I should think that'd be enough. If you're a bad kisser I don't wanna sign up for an evening of washing machine mouth." You shoved his shoulder again, but he just threw his arm over your shoulder and kissed the top of your head. "Seriously though," He continued. "If you don't want to, it's fine. I just think it'll be the thing that seals the deal."

"I'll think about it." You said, nodding at him. "Now, let's do some actual socialising." You pointed over to one of the outside tables, where one of the people you actually liked from work was sitting. You and Tom walked over, his arm still around your shoulder.

"Hey! Luka!" Elspeth smiled widely and stood up as you approached, giving you a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You caught a whiff of her wine breath and laughed.

"Enjoying yourself Elspeth?"

"Not as much as you clearly are!" She jeered, looking 'not so subtly' at Tom. "You are fantastically gorgeous." She pointed a very wobbly finger at Tom, who expertly took her hand and kissed her knuckles. Elspeth's cheeks instantly went red and she squealed.

"Thank you, Elspeth, was it?" Tom asked, in a very charming way, making Elspeth giggle and nod. "Mind if we join?" Elspeth nodded again and pointed to the vacant seats, which you gladly took.

You got into an enjoyable conversation with her, and the man she was clearly trying to get with, Jonny, who worked in your IT department. You commented on his beard, which was admirably groomed and reached his chest, and all of a sudden Elspeth's fingers were all up in it, making Jonny look quite scared. But he was a good sport, and gently pulled her fingers out before changing the subject. You did notice, however, that once he'd took her fingers out of his beard, their fingers stayed linked together on the arm of the chair.

Tom's arm was comfortably resting on the back of your chair, and you did your best to remember all the nuances you'd developed over the evening; touching his chest anytime you mentioned his name, his fingers stroking your arm when he mentioned yours, looking at him and imagining he was the light of your life, and sprinkling in 'babe' wherever you could.

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