𝟸𝟼 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚊𝚖

Start from the beginning

   Now they were finished with Vikkstar's written endorsement. They closed up the scroll and exchanged smiles. The crowd clapped in response to the previous letter.

   "The next one will be delivered in person, JSchlatt!"

   Wilbur called out the familiar name and my eyes widened. The sound of countless whispers erupted from the crowd.

   The previously banned man stumbled out of the shadows. That was the figure I couldn't see very well previously.

   A odd grin was formed on his face. His deep red eyes intimidate me; his entire expression striking shivers down my spine.

   The man wobbled around clumsily, almost falling multiple times. He gripped onto the podium tightly to keep him upright. He was clearly drunk, based off of his mannerisms and actions.

   'I can tell he reeks of alcohol from here.'

   I was disgusted by him, how could he drink excessively before something so important? He didn't care about this event at all.

   JSchlatt gave a lazy grin as his eyes glanced around the entire crowd. Then he stares right at me, his glare burning right through my eyes.

   It was almost as if he knew I was here, despite being completely invisible. I felt fear surge through my veins. Goosebumps began to form.

   Then he breaks the stare, turning back towards the crowd with his unsettling smile once more. I felt relieved and held my chest as I sighed.

   He then clears his throat, another horrendous screech coming from the microphone. I winced and gritted my teeth. Crowd members grumbled complaints and covered their ears.

"Uh, Hello?"

Schlatt's raspy voice booms over the speaker system. To the side stood Wilbur and Tommy with excited expressions. They were saying something to Schlatt, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"What am I... presidency?"

I could only hear Schlatt's responses to their conversation due to the microphone. Schlatt seemed a little confused on what he was supposed to say. This was most likely due to him being drunk.

"Presidency! ..Who's this." Schlatt was now looking at Quackity. Quackity seemingly laughs and says something.

"Don't call me that. Don't call me 'babe' ever."

Schlatt responds which causes me to chuckle a bit. I carefully look around to make sure nobody heard.

"Democracy is overrated. You want to be president? I'LL BE MY OWN PRESIDENT!"

The mood changes from light and happy to aggressive; Schlatt was now yelling all of a sudden.

Schlatt's voice grows louder and more aggressive with each word. Wilbur and Tommy look both concerned and scared.


Tommy now runs up in front of Schlatt and laughs awkwardly.

"This has been our endorsement from JSchlatt everyone- Uhm.." Schlatt still yells behind him as Tommy tries to end things.


Schlatt still attempts to yell into the mic as Tommy tries to move it away from him. A total disaster is taking place on the stage.


Wilbur's eyes widen and he awkwardly looks around. Tommy placed the microphone on the podium and now Quackity was trying to get to it.

Schlatt sees this and pushes Quackity off the stage into the water down below. Quackity screams and laughs as he plummets into the water. Luckily he had something to break his fall.

"Ok fine I found the script I found it..."

Schlatt pulls out a piece of paper and holds it closely to his face, squinting.

"Vote Co-co-nut..." People start shouting things at Schlatt.

Tommy now gets in range of the microphone. "Alright Schlatt off the stage now! That was great thank you. Into the audience you go!"

Schlatt looks like a little kid about to throw a temper tantrum.

"I'LL RUN MY OWN PARTY! I'LL RUN AGAINST YOU!" He shouts as he gets escorted away.

"Now onto the debate uhm-" Wilbur stands at the podium, nervously glancing towards Schlatt in the crowd.


"The actual running people will go to the white house and-"

Schlatt pulls out a crossbow and loads the bolt in. He aims at Quackity but due to him being drunk, he misses. The people on stage begin to panic.

"THE OLD MAN HAS A GUN OH GOD!" Quackity yells, laughing.

People begin running around frantically, the people on stage beginning to retreat. Schlatt laughs and loads another bolt into the crossbow.

I wanted to stay longer, but the potion effects were growing weaker. I slip away and run onto the prime path.

Eventually the potion effects wear off and I pass by Tommy's house. The sun was beginning to set and the Pog2020 sign begin to glow. I buttoned up the coat I was wearing and walked up to my front step.

Entering the house I take a deep breath and flop onto my bed.

Whatever Schlatt is planning to do here now that he's unbanned cannot be good. He was going to cause a lot of issues.

2028 words, unedited

I have been pre-writing chapters and I am so excited to release the next one >:]

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